> Guys, I got it working in ICS master branch fromAOSPwith minimal changes and a re-compiled kernel:
> 1) check out masterAOSP
> 2) add ti-wpan project from omapzoom (git://) to hardware/ti/wpan
> 3) modify device/ti/panda/ as follows:
> a) add TIInit_7.2.31.bts firmware from pandroid project in TI gforge (.) -- it's a linux installer, copy the firmware from the installed directory to ti/panda
> b) add android.hardware.bluetooth.xml from omapzoom blaze_tablet (http://git.omapzoom.org/?p=device/ti/blaze_tablet.git;a=blob;f=androi...)
> c) modify device.mk with:
> PRODUCT_COPY_FILES := device/ti/panda/TIInit_7.2.31.bts:system/etc/firmware/TIInit_7.2.31.bts \
> device/ti/panda/android.hardware.bluetooth.xml:system/etc/permissions/andro id.hardware.bluetooth.xml
> PRODUCT_PACKAGES := $(call inherit-product-if-exists, hardware/ti/wpan/)
> d) modify BoardConfig.mk with:
> e) modify init.omap4pandaboard.rc with:
> # change permissions forBluetooth/FM/GPS
> chmod 0600 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
> chownbluetoothbluetooth/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
> chmod 0600 /dev/ttyO1
> chownbluetoothbluetooth/dev/ttyO1
> #shared transport user space mgr service forBluetooth, FM and GPS
> service uim /system/bin/uim-sysfs
> class core
> userbluetooth
> groupbluetoothnet_bt_admin
> f - IMPORTANT) re-compile kernel fromAOSP: (branch remotes/origin/android-omap-panda-3.0) with the following:
> 1) make sure you copy the original defconfig from arch/arm/configs/panda_defconfig to .config in kernel root
> 2) make menuconfig with ARCH=arm
> 3) Networking Support->Bluetoothsubsystem support->
> a) turn on L2CAP, SCO, RFCOMM (with tty), BNEP, and HIDP
> b)Bluetoothdevice drivers-> make sure you
have HCI UART (H4 protocol) and Texas Instruments WiLink7 driver enabled
> 4) exit and save
> 5) re-compile, use the zImage (not the uImage) and replace the kernel in ti/panda/kernel with it.
> 4) Re-compileAOSPwith new kernel, see if BT and wifi works :-D
Thanks to richi-chen and .
I followed the steps given by and following are
some of the important changes which may require (for me without these
changes Bluetooth didn't come up)
In the init.omap4pandaboard.rc I have modified the following
on boot
mount debugfs /sys/kernel/debug /sys/kernel/debug
chmod 0666 /dev/pvrsrvkm
chmod 0777 /dev/ttyO1 /* Added by me */
chmod 0777 /dev/tty*
chmod 0777 /dev/tty
service uim /system/bin/uim-sysfs
class core
user bluetooth
group bluetooth net_bt_admin
group bluetooth root /* Added by me. But not sure is this really
required or not. Yet to try without having this line */
After this Bluetooth is started working. I mean able to see the
devices, not yet tried file transfer options
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