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2009-03-29 21:37:45

这里用了一个递归算法,如果不递归的话需要用Jhonson Trotter算法,python代码如下:takes 32secs in my laptop

from time import time
F = time()

a = []
def P22(string,beg,end):
    if beg == end:
        k = ''
        for i in range(end+1):
        k = ''
        for i in range(beg,end+1):
            temp = string[beg];string = string[:beg]+string[i]+string[beg+1:];string = string[:i]+temp+string[i+1:]
            temp = string[beg];string = string[:beg]+string[i]+string[beg+1:];string = string[:i]+temp+string[i+1:]

print a[1000000-1]
E = time()
print 'time:'
print (E-F)

Problem 22读取一个文件,没什么算法好说的,主要是python的优势体现了

def main():
    fp = open('names.txt')
    names =',')
    tot = 0
    for index, name in enumerate(names):
        # this is odd,name = "COLIN",why
        s = sum([ord(i)-64 for i in name[1:-1]])
        # print s, index, name, [ord(i)-64 for i in name[1:-1]]
        tot += s * (index+1)
    print tot


#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
F = time.time()

f = open(r'f:\test.txt','r')
a = []
b = []

for i in f:
    a.append(i.strip().split(' '))
for i in range(len(a)):
    for j in range(len(a[0])):
        a[i][j] = int(a[i][j])
MAX = 0
down4 = right4 = diagright4 = diagleft4 = 0
for line in range(len(a)):
    for colum in range(len(a[0])):
        if line<=15:#可以向下减四
            down4 = reduce(lambda x,y:x*y,([a[i][colum] for i in range(line,line+4)]))
        if colum<=15:#可以向右减四
            right4 = reduce(lambda x,y:x*y,([a[line][i] for i in range(colum,colum+4)]))

        if line<=15 and colum<=15:#可做对角线右减
            diagright4 = a[line][colum]* a[line+1][colum+1]*a[line+2][colum+2]*a[line+3][colum+3]

        if line<=15 and colum >=4:#可做对角线左减
            diagleft4 = a[line][colum]* a[line+1][colum-1]*a[line+2][colum-2]*a[line+3][colum-3]
        c = []
        max_in = max(c)
        if max_in > MAX:
            MAX = max_in
        down4 = right4 = diagright4 = diagleft4 = 0
print MAX
E = time.time()
print 'time:',E-F


from time import time
from random import choice
F = time()
gewei = {1:'one',2:'two',3:'three',4:'four',\
shiji = {11:'eleven',12:'twelve',13:'thirteen',14:'fourteen',15:'fifteen',\
jishi = {10:'ten',20:'twenty',30:'thirty',40:'forty',50:'fifty',\
jibai = {100:'onehundred',200:'twohundred',300:'threehundred',400:'fourhundred',\
yiqian = 'onethousand'
length = 0
a = 0
for i in range(1,1001):
    if len(str(i)) == 1:
        length += len(gewei[i])

    if len(str(i)) == 2:
        if i%10 == 0:
            length += len(jishi[i])

            if 11<=i<=19:
                length = length + len(shiji[i])

                ge = i%10;shi = (i/10)*10
                length = length + len(gewei[ge]) + len(jishi[shi])

    if len(str(i)) == 3:
        if i%100 == 0:#例如300
            length += len(jibai[i])

        if (i%100 != 0 and i%10 == 0):#例如320
            shi = i - (i/100)*100
            bai = i/100
            length = length + len(jibai[100*bai]) + len(jishi[shi]) + 3

        if (i%100 != 0 and i%10 != 0 and i%100/10 != 0):#例如213,567
            ge = i%10
            shi = i%100/10
            bai = i/100
            if 11<=10*shi+ge <=19:
                length = length + len(jibai[bai*100])+len(shiji[10*shi+ge]) + 3
                length = length + len(jibai[bai*100])+len(jishi[10*shi]) + len(gewei[ge]) + 3

        if (i%100 != 0 and i%10 != 0 and i%100/10 == 0):#例如102
            bai = i/100;ge = i%10
            length = length + len(jibai[100*bai]) + len(gewei[ge]) + 3
    if len(str(i)) == 4:
        length += len(yiqian)
print length
E = time()
print 'time:'
print (E-F)

Problem25:OH,Python,pretty NICE!!!要用别的语言,我。。。。。

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time

F = time.time()
a,b = (1,1)
count = 2
while len(str(b)) < 1000:
    count += 1
    print b,count
    a,b = (b,a+b)
print count

E = time.time()
print 'time:',E-F

21 22 23 24 25
20  7  8  9 10
19  6  1  2 11
18  5  4  3 12
17 16 15 14 13

What is the sum of both diagonals in a 1001 by 1001 spiral formed in the same way?

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
F = time.time()

SUM = 0
n = 3
i = 2
a = []
while True:
    x = [j for j in range(n,n+3*i+1,i)]#每一拳的数字的步长有这个规律2,4,6,。。。
    for m in x:
    n = n + 3*i + i + 2 #下一圈开始时的起始起加数字
    i += 2
    if n >= 1001**2: #1001方阵的最右上角数字呦规律可得为1001的二次方
SUM = sum(a)
print SUM + 1#开始是没有计算1
E = time.time()
print 'time:',E-F

Problem 35:这个题目要看清题目,所谓的circle primer是对这个数字始终做轮换,我刚开始以为是全排列,浪费时间啊,而且看例子中的37和73可以知道,前面数字轮换得到的结果对后面的没有影响,也就是说数字出现两次也都算,,这个也浪费了我一点时间,好了,代码如下,运行18secs

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import math

= time.time()
a = []
c = []
def P35(num):
    if num < 10:
    if 10<=num<100:
        STR = str(num)
        for i in range(1,len(STR)):
            STR = STR[1:] + STR[0]
    return a

def is_primer(n):
    m = int(math.sqrt(n))+1
    for i in range(2,m):
        if n%i == 0:
            return False
    return True
count = 0
m = 1

for i in [x for x in range(2,1000001) if x&1]:
    if is_primer(i):
        b = P35(i)
        for j in b:
            if not is_primer(j):
                m = 0
        if m:
            print i
            count += 1
    m = 1
    a = []
print count+1 #考虑到2也是
E = time.time()
print 'time:',E-F


def generate_primes(max):
    sand = list('00'+'1'*(max-1))
    for x in xrange(int(max**0.5)):
        if sand[x]=='1':
            for y in xrange(2*x,len(sand),x):
    primes = set(x for x in xrange(max) if sand[x]=='1')
    return primes

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