1. Ferret 索引要搜的目录
2. 浏览器里输入queries查询条件,得到相关的文档
* it can index .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .rtf, .html and plain text files will full text search, and offers a very easy way to add new extractors to index other filetype.
* it is free as in free beer and as in free speech
* thanks to Ferret, it is very fast
* it keeps your data private. By default, only the computer on which it is installed can get access to the search engine. Other IP addresses can then be added to a white list.
* it does not phone home. This claim is somewhat easier to verify on your server, with just a few lines of codes added, than on a Don't be evil black-box server.
* it can be used to index any ftp, smb, ssh, webdav or local directory.
* its user interface is available in
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