STORED OUTLINE in Oracle 10g dddddd
When the desired execution plan is occuring for a SQL statement which is not identical in SQL text (whitespacing and case differences ignored) to the original SQL statement, then a Stored Outline for that SQL is not usable as the signature of the Stored Outline does not match
In other words, STORED OUTLINE are driven by the SIGNATURE of an inidivual SQL statement.
To create private stored outline do not use the procedure DBMS_OUTLN_EDIT.CREATE_EDIT_TABLES in Oracle10g and Oracle11g
DBMS_OUTLN.CREATE_OUTLINE procedure is hard parsing and using the optimizer environment of the session executing the procedure instead of using the one from the library cache. This is a BUG. Hence the stored outline created out of this procedure might differ from the original plan.
Unlike the traditional way, creating the stored outline in the lower environment and do export/import to get the outline to production, Oracle 10g has got the new way of creating it directly using the SQL ID, SQL_HASH_VALUE, SQL_CHILD_NUMBEr from the memory.
STORED OUTLINES doesnot work when you try it as SYS user.
Important : Though outlines are used and you follow all the steps correctly, NOT ALWAYS the execution plan is imposed as expected/desired.
When swapping the outline (to replace the BAD plan with a GOOD plan) ensure the HINTCOUNT column is taken care.
Generally you may have read CURSOR_SHARING = FORCE disables the use of stored outlines. Actually the interpretation should be the other way.
STORED OUTLINE creation also captures the essential optimizer paramaters which is also assessed before overwriting a plan.
If there is a mismatch then STORED OUTLINE will not be used for a SQL statement.
For Eg.
If OL1 is created with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE, then a session with CURSOR_SHARING=EXACT/SIMILAR would not be able to use the outline OL1.
In this scenario STORED OUTLINE is disabled.
PRIVATE outlines are automatically created in SYSTEM.OL$ table and this is a local temporary table. Hence the records vanishes the moment you exit the session
To use stored outline for your SQL statements a. alter session set use_stored_outlines=true; b. Ensure CURSOR_SHARING is NOT set to FORCE
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