BugOpts [option [bool]], ...
FlickeringMoveWorkaround, 禁止在应用移动时发送ConfigureNotify事件。如果一些窗口移动时附带有令人厌恶的闪烁,这个选项将会非常有帮助。注意,出现这个现象并不是一个fvwm bug,而是应用本身的问题。
MixedVisualWorkaround,会在执行使用根窗口visual的操作前安装root colormap。仅当fvwm启动时加上-visual选项才有效。
ModalityIsEvil,选项控制Motif应用是否可以有模态对话框(modal dialog,只有关闭它才能执行其它操作的对话框)。默认应用不能有模态对话框。要谨慎使用这个选项,一旦打开这个选项,要关闭它的话,就必须重启fvwm。
RaiseOverNativeWindows,运行在Windows或Windows NT下的一些X servers会需要这个选项,因此,在这些X server上运行时,fvwm会设法检测并初始化这个选项。
ExplainWindowPlacement选项打开时,无论什么时候放置新窗口,或使用PlaceAgain, Recapture,RecaptureWindow中的一个命令,fvwm都会输出一条消息到控制台上。这条消息解释了这个窗口放在哪个desk,page,Xinerama screen和position上,以及为什么这么放。这个选项可以推断为什么窗口没有出现在你预期的位置上。
BusyCursor [Option bool], ...
控制某些命令执行期间的光标。Option可以是DynamicMenu, ModuleSynchronous, Read, Wait, *。option必须跟随一个布尔参数bool。多个option之间使用逗号分割。如果设置一个option为“True”,相应命令执行时,fvwm显示 CursorStyle 命令中WAIT上下文的光标。设置为“False”则不显示这个光标。
BusyCursor DynamicMenu False, \
ModuleSynchronous False, Read False, \
Recapture True, Wait False
DynamicMenu影响AddToMenu命令的DynamicPopupAction 和 MissingSubmenuFunction选项。如果它设置为“False”,在动态菜单命令期间,busy cursor不显示,即使此时是一个Read 或 PipeRead命令并且Read选项为“True”。
Wait影响root cursor。一个wait暂停期间,root cursor被busy cursor取代,并且fvwm仍然可以进行其它操作(你能够escape这个wait,参考EscapeFunc命令)。如果你希望使用这个选项,并且不想使用默认的root cursor,你应该使用CursorStyle命令设置root cursor。
ClickTime [delay]
指定在按下与释放鼠标按键之间的时间。默认是150 毫秒。省略参数恢复默认值。
ColorLimit limit
ColormapFocus FollowsMouse|FollowsFocus
CursorStyle context [number| name | xpm | None | Tiny [fore back]]
POSITION (top_left_corner)
used when initially placing windows
TITLE (top_left_arrow)
used in a window title-bar
DEFAULT (top_left_arrow)
used in windows that do not set their cursor
SYS (hand2)
used in one of the title-bar buttons
MOVE (fleur)
used when moving or resizing windows
RESIZE (sizing)
used when moving or resizing windows
WAIT (watch)
used during certain fvwm commands (see BusyCursor for details).
MENU (top_left_arrow)
used in menus
SELECT (crosshair)
used when the user is required to select a window
DESTROY (pirate)
used for DESTROY, CLOSE, and DELETE commands
TOP (top_side)
used in the top side-bar of a window
RIGHT (right_side)
used in the right side-bar of a window
BOTTOM (bottom_side)
used in the bottom side-bar of a window
LEFT (left_side)
used in the left side-bar of a window
TOP_LEFT (top_left_corner)
used in the top left corner of a window
TOP_RIGHT (top_right_corner)
used in the top right corner of a window
BOTTOM_LEFT (bottom_left_corner)
used in the bottom left corner of a window
BOTTOM_RIGHT (bottom_right_corner)
used in the bottom right corner of a window
TOP_EDGE (top_side)
used at the top edge of the screen.
RIGHT_EDGE (right_side)
used at the right edge of the screen.
BOTTOM_EDGE (bottom_side)
used at the bottom edge of the screen.
LEFT_EDGE (left_side)
used at the left edge of the screen.
ROOT (left_ptr)
used as the root cursor.
STROKE (plus)
used during a StrokeFunc command.
置第二个参数为空可以恢复默认设置。第二个参数可以是X11/cursorfont.h文件里定义的光标值,或者它的名称(不加XC_ prefix),或者xpm文件名。xpm文件应该包含一个3色(none,black,white)的pixmap,和一个可选的hot-spot,如果没有定义hot-spot,hot-spot被放在图像中间。此外,第二个参数还可以是None(没有光标)或Tiny(单个像素)。例如:
# make the kill cursor be XC_gumby (both forms work):
CursorStyle DESTROY 56
CursorStyle DESTROY gumby
CursorStyle TOP_LEFT topl.xpm
CursorStyle ROOT nice_arrow.xpm yellow black
/* XPM */
static char *nice_arrow_xpm[] = {
/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel hot-spot */
" 14 14 3 1 1 1",
/* colors */
" c None",
". c black",
"# c white",
/* pixels */
"... ",
".##.. ",
".####.. ",
" .#####.. ",
" .#######.. ",
" .########.. ",
" .##########.",
" .#######.. ",
" .######. ",
" .######. ",
" .###.###. ",
" .#. .###.",
" .#. .#. ",
" . . ",