Am 08.07.2007 um 04:47 schrieb Charles Goodrich:
> I am used to black letters on a white background,
On Linux you can use X Resources (look into the GNU Emacs manual,
i.e. C-h i m Emacs and then search for the "Command Line Options and
Arguments" node), which are organised in files like ~/.Xdefaults or
~/.Xresources (depends on the actual code in ~/.xinit or similiar
files (~/.xstart?) which set up the X11 environment). ~/.Xdefaults
or ~/.Xresources can #include other files with set X application
defaults. A lot "templates" exist in directories like /usr/X11R6/lib/
X11/app-defaults or /usr/X11R7/share/X11/app-defaults.
In the free-form or Lisp section of ~/.emacs you can use for example:
(setq initial-frame-alist '(
(mouse-color . "midnightblue")
(foreground-color . "grey20")
(background-color . "alice blue")
(internal-border-width . 2)
(line-spacing . 1)
(active-alpha . 0.875)
(inactive-alpha . 0.75)
(font . "-*-*-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-
(top . 25) (left . 650) (width . 91) (height . 50)))
(setq default-frame-alist '(
(border-color . "#4e3831")
(foreground-color . "grey10")
(background-color . "ghost white")
(vertical-scroll-bars . left)
(cursor-color . "purple")
(cursor-type . box)
(active-alpha . 0.75)
(inactive-alpha . 0.875)
(font . "-*-*-medium-r-normal--9-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-
(top . 50) (left . 150) (width . 89) (height . 56)))
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