set folder = ~/Mail
auto_view application/zip
auto_view application/x-gzip
auto_view application/x-gunzip
auto_view application/pgp-signature
auto_view application/pgp
auto_view application/octet-stream
auto_view application/x-zip-compressed
auto_view application/x-arj-compressed
auto_view application/x-tar-gz
auto_view application/ms-tnef
auto_view application/x-perl
auto_view application/x-sh
auto_view application/x-tcl
auto_view application/x-delphi-source
auto_view application/emacs-lisp
auto_view application/msword
auto_view text/x-patch
auto_view text/html
auto_view text/x-vcard
auto_view text/x-script.elisp
auto_view image/tiff
auto_view text/x-lisp
my_hdr From: cyr
my_hdr Reply-To: cyr
#folder-hook . 'macro index d "~/Mail/Trash\r"'
#folder-hook ~/Mail/Trash 'bind index d delete-message'
set pop_host="pops://ccyyrr:********@pop.gmail.com" #用户名及密码
# 只收取新邮件,如果是第一次使用,请先注释掉此行,第一次收取邮件后在取消注释)
set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp"
set envelope_from = yes
set ascii_chars=yes
set signature="/usr/games/fortune song100 tang300 zh-proverb|col -bp|sed '/m/s/^3.m\\(.*\\)m/\\1/' |"
#set signature="/usr/games/fortune song100 tang300|"
set mailcap_path="$HOME/.mailcap"
set mailcap_sanitize=yes
set charset = "gb2312"
set locale = "zh_CN"
set header = no
set hostname = gmail.com
set quit = yes
set move = no
set ascii_chars = yes
set include = yes
set indent_str = " > "
#set sort = reverse-date
#set sort = threads
#set sort_aux=date #当用 thread 排序方式时,我们对各个 thread 的相对排序顺序。
set fast_reply = yes
set pager_stop = yes
set resolve = yes
source ~/.mutt.alias
set alias_file=~/.mutt.alias
set record="~/Mail/sent-mail-`date +%Y-%m`"
set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:gb2312:utf-8"
set wait_key = yes
set edit_headers = no
set pager_index_lines = 4
set index_format = "%Z %2C |%{%b%d日} %-15.15L (%5lk) %s"
color normal white default
color attachment black magenta
color signature brightred default
color status white blue
color tilde blue default
color tree brightmagenta default
color underline yellow default
color bold green default
color error red default
color indicator black white
color markers brightred default
color message white blue
color body cyan default "ftp://[^ ]*"
color body cyan default "www.[^ ]*"
color body brightgreen default "[[:alnum:]][-+.#_[:alnum:]]*@[-+.[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]]"
color body cyan default ""
color body brightblue default "(^|[[:space:]])\\*[^[:space:]]+\\*([[:space:]]|$)"
color body brightblue default "(^|[[:space:]])_[^[:space:]]+_([[:space:]]|$)"
color body brightblue default "(^|[[:space:]])/[^[:space:]]+/([[:space:]]|$)"
color body yellow default "[;:]-[)/(|]"
color body yellow default "[8][-\^][)|]"
color body yellow default "[;:][)/(|]"
color body brightblue default "(http|https|rsync|ftp|news|telnet|finger|gopher)://[^ ]*"
color body brightblue default "<(http|https|rsync|ftp|news|telnet|finger|gopher)://[^ ]*>"
color header yellow default "^cc: "
color header red cyan "^X-Spam-Status:"
color header green default "^date: "
color header yellow default "^from "
color header cyan default "^from: "
color header yellow default "^newsgroups: "
color header yellow default "^reply-to: "
color header cyan default "^subject: "
color header green default "^to: "
color header yellow default "^x-mailer: "
color header yellow default "^message-id:"
color header yellow default "^Organization:"
color header yellow default "^Organisation:"
color header yellow default "^User-Agent:"
color header yellow default "^message-id: .*pine"
color quoted cyan default
color quoted1 yellow default
color quoted2 red default
color quoted3 green default
color quoted4 cyan default
color quoted5 yellow default
color quoted6 red default
color quoted7 green default
color index green default ~N
color index red default ~O
color index magenta default ~F
color index blue default ~T
color index yellow default ~D
folder-hook . "ignore *; unignore from to subject date X-Mailer User-Agent"
folder-hook sent.* "ignore *; unignore from to subject date"
hdr_order X-Mailer User-Agent date from to subject
auto_view text/html
auto_view application/msword
account default
host smtp.gmail.com
from ccyyrr@gmail.com
tls on
auth on
port 587
user ccyyrr@gmail.com
password ******
阅读(5049) | 评论(0) | 转发(0) |