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  • 注册时间: 2006-04-10 23:58











2006-06-23 15:37:01

#window list without drag
Stroke 0 0 R N WindowList

#button 3 guesture with Ctrl starts programs in any context
#"r" like guestures starts rxvt
Stroke N5456 0 A C Exec exec xkill
Stroke N65456 0 A C Exec exec xkill
Stroke N7414789 0 A C Exec exec rxvt
Stroke N7414759 0 A C Exec exec rxvt
Stroke N74147589 0 A C Exec exec rxvt
Stroke N7414756 0 A C Exec exec rxvt
Stroke N74156 0 A C Exec exec rxvt
Stroke N74159 0 A C Exec exec rxvt
Stroke N7536951 0 A C Exec exec xterm
Stroke N9514753 0 A C Exec exec xterm
Stroke N7412369 0 A C Exec exec gvim
Stroke N1478963 0 A C Exec exec mozilla
Stroke N7896321 0 A C Exec exec stardict
Stroke N9874123 0 A C Exec exec drscheme
Stroke N258 0 A C Exec exec vmware

#grow horizontal and vertically
Stroke N258 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 growup
Stroke N852 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 growdown
Stroke N456 0 TSF2 N Maximize True growright 0
Stroke N654 0 TSF2 N Maximize True growleft 0

#grow bidirectional
Stroke N25852 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 grow
Stroke N5852 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 grow
Stroke N85258 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 grow
Stroke N5258 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 grow
Stroke N65456 0 TSF2 N Maximize True grow 0
Stroke N5456 0 TSF2 N Maximize True grow 0
Stroke N45654 0 TSF2 N Maximize True grow 0
Stroke N5654 0 TSF2 N Maximize True grow 0

#grow diagonally
Stroke N159 0 TSF2 N Maximize True growright growup
Stroke N951 0 TSF2 N Maximize True growleft growdown
Stroke N753 0 TSF2 N Maximize True growright growdown
Stroke N357 0 TSF2 N Maximize True growleft growup
Stroke N5159 0 TSF2 N Maximize True grow grow
Stroke N5951 0 TSF2 N Maximize True grow grow
Stroke N5753 0 TSF2 N Maximize True grow grow
Stroke N5357 0 TSF2 N Maximize True grow grow

#reverse to unmaximized
Stroke N74123 0 TSF2 N Maximize False

#window functions
Stroke 0 0 TSF N RaiseLower
Stroke 0 0 2 N Maximize-Func
Stroke 0 0 A C Lower
Stroke N852 0 A C Iconify

#Drag mouse on the root window
Mouse 3 R N StrokeFunc DrawMotion

#Drag mouse with Ctrl key
Mouse 3 A C StrokeFunc DrawMotion

#Drag mouse on the border
Mouse 3 TSF N StrokeFunc DrawMotion

#Drag mouse 1 on the maxmize button
Mouse 1 2 N StrokeFunc DrawMotion
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