2010-07-16 23:47:48
Typing tab indents line,regardless of selection,空行按tab无法前进
Typing tab replaces current selection,选定部分内容、再按tab时会清除所选
(2)Options菜单àDocument Options(针对不同文件类型,分别进行设置)à下拉左上文件类型框、选择合适类型(c源文件)àEditing Options框中,tab width=2à Editing Options框中,勾选Expand tabs(这样,按tab键、等价于输入2个空格)
(3)Options菜单àDocument Optionsà选择合适的文件类型à点击右边中间的Auto Indent钮à在弹出的框中,左边一定要点Smart,右边有两个复选框Indent Open Brace和Indent Close Brace,具体效果可以看SIS的HELP。按照部门里的编程风格要求,最方便的就是把两个复选框都取消掉,然后点OK。
勾选Auto Indent之SMART的效果∶在C程序里, 如果遇到行末没有分号的语句,如IF, WHILE, SWITCH等, 写到该行末按回车,则新行自动相对上一行缩进两列。
勾掉Indent Open Brace和Indent Close Brace的效果∶继上一段,在相对缩进行里, 如果输入"}", 则自动和上一行列对齐(好像勾不勾都会有这个功能);而输入"{"时,不会与下面的行对齐(这是勾上Indent Open Brace时的效果)。
有个同事比较生猛,得整汇编代码,但在SIS里建立PROJECT并ADD TREE的时候,根据默认设置并不会把该TREE里面所有汇编文件都包含进来,只加了.inc和.asm后缀的,.s后缀的没有。而且用SIS打开.s的文件,一片黑白没有色彩,感觉回到DOS的EDIT时代了…… 解决方法是在Options->Document Options里面,点左上的Document Type下拉菜单,选择x86 Asm Source File,然后在右边的File filter里*.asm;*.inc;的后面加上*.s;接着CLOSE就可以了。上面两个问题解决了,但注意加入*.s后还需要重新ADD TREE一遍才能把这些汇编加到PROJECT里面。
Options菜单àPreferences àTyping卡àAuto Completion框,勾掉Use automatic symbol completion window(这里是SIS的全局设置)
Options菜单àDocument OptionsàEditing Options框中,勾掉Allow auto-complete(局部设置)
上面两项必须全部勾选,才能启用Auto Completion功能
Options菜单àKey assignments,通过关键词Scroll 找到Scroll Half Page Up,取消小键盘/;通过关键词Scroll 找到Scroll Half Page Down取消小键盘*;通过关键词Function找到Function Up,取消小键盘-,通过关键词Function找到Function down,取消小键盘+。
通过关键词save 找到save all,更改为ctrl+shift+a,通过关键词select找到select all, 更改为ctrl +a
同样10个字符,长度差多了.用VERDANA来看程序,有些本应该对齐的就歪了。解放方法是使用等宽的字体,但肯定比较丑。可以用DOS字体,也就是记事本里的默认字体sysfixed 很丑,要有心理准备。比较推荐的是用Courier New。
所谓特定的搜索模式,共有两种"File, then line"和"Line, then file",其中前后两部分依靠正则表达式的组的概念来予以分割。如果当前文件具有匹配行,比如"Error d:tcsrcq5.c 18: Lvalue required in function jsSort",那么SourceInsight在该行创建SourceLink、把该行链接到由该行指定的文件中(即d:tcsrcq5.c,第18行)。
运行Search菜单的Parse Source Links…命令,在弹出的框中、选择搜索模式、并填入相应的正则表达式串,点OK,SIS就会解析当前文件,如果有匹配,就创建SourceLink。
可以打开日志信息,运行Parse Source Links命令,日志中能够匹配模式的每一行(通常是含有错误信息的行)、就会被设置上一个SourceLink
首先勾选Custom Command 中的"Parse Links in Output",然后选择特定的搜索模式,最后填入合适的正则表达式。这样,Source Insight把输出信息作为当前搜索用文件;并且,如果有匹配行(通常即编译错误信息行),SIS为 该行创建SourceLink、并把每一个错误信息中给定的文件(和行号)作为link目的地,这对于我们修改源代码错误非常有帮助。
Smart Rename命令、快捷键是Ctrl+',是上下文敏感的全局搜索替换。它可以智能地重命名全部项目文件中的一个标示符。SourceInsight的搜索索引(search index)使得搜索过程进行地非常快。而且,使用Smart Rename所做的替换会被记录在Search Results窗口中,每一条替换记录旁有一个SourceLink链接到替换发生地文件。
Smart Rename可以用来重命名标记(symbol)。如果勾选了Smart Reference Matching选项,Smart Rename就只在正确的上下文范围内进行重命名。它可以智能地重命名全部项目文件中的一个标示符;它可以重命名函数本地变量,类或结构体成员、函数。
在弹出的Smart Rename窗口中有下面几项∶
Old Name 填旧名称。光标下的词会被自动加载;光标的位置非常重要,这是因为Source Insight会根据本地上下文背景、准确地确定你想要重命名哪一个标记。 推荐只填单个词、而不是字符串。 如果你在命名成员变量、或本地变量(),Old Name框中会显示完全标记名、即上层容器名+标记名。例如,框中的"DocDraw.paintStruc"代表DocDraw是函数名,paintStruc是函数的本地成员变量。 New Name 填新名称。只填标记名,不填上层容器名。 Output Search Results 如果勾选,搜索替换结果日志会被输出到Search Results窗口中。可以通过Windows菜单来切换,或ctrl+tab切换察看。并且每一条记录旁会有SourceLink链接到替换发生地文件。 Confirm Each Replacement 每次替换询问。 Skip Comments 不重名注释部分。 |
(1)如何用Smart Rename重命名数组的数组名?如果只选取数组名,会报错!
(2)如果勾掉Smart Reference Matching,会搜索全部项目文件,并且Old Name框中不显示完全限定名;如果勾选Smart Reference Matching,无法重命名数组名,而且鼠标位置不正确时会报错。应该如何应对?
正则表达式,是用来匹配复杂模式的特殊搜索用字符串。正则表达式串中,许多字符具有特殊的含义。例如,有个特殊的字符代表 "行首"。
Table 4.3: Regular Expression Characters | |
Character |
Matches |
^ (at the beginning)
beginning of line。如^Hello,匹配Hello在句首。 |
. |
any single character |
[abc] |
any single character that belongs to the set abc |
[^abc] |
any single character that does not belong to the set abc |
* |
zero or more occurrences of the preceding character
+ |
a tab character |
s |
a space character |
w |
white space (a tab or a space character) |
$ |
the end of the line。如TRUE$,匹配TRUE在句尾。 |
\ |
转义字符。如果在它后面有元字符,取消其特殊含义。 |
可利用 "("和 ")"、把正则表达式分割成不同的组;模式中的每个组自左向右指定为 Group #n,n=1,2,…;组的概念在替换时很有用。
Error d:tcsrcq5.c 18: Lvalue required in function jsSort
则我们要匹配"d:tcsrcq5.c 18"部分,进一步地,按照SourceInsight捕捉输出并加以解析时的要求,要以组的形式、分别匹配"d:tcsrcq5.c 18"中的文件部分和行号部分∶
(d:tcsrc[qQ][tT]*[1-9][0-9]*.[cC])s([1-9][0-9]*) |
D:javasrcQ3.java:3: ';' expected
([dD]:javasrc[qQ][tT]*[1-9][0-9]*.java):([1-9][0-9]*) |
Options菜单àCustom Command
à勾选Output框的Capture Output、输出被捕捉,如果勾选Paste Output,输出被粘贴
à勾选Control Group框中的Save Files First、SIS会在运行命令前先检查文件是否保存
à勾选Control Group框中的Pause When Done、SIS会在命令结束后暂停、方便检查
à勾选Source Links in Output框中的Parse Source Links,?/p>
该宏文件实现一些编码程中能会到的功能, 如添加文件头、函数说明和宏定义等, 使用时能自动添加文件名、函数名和当前日期.
1. Project->Open Project... 打开Base工程(该工程一般在"我的文档\Source Insight\Projects\Base"中);
2. Project->Add and Remove Project Files... 加入宏文件(即Gaoke.em);
3. Options->Menu Assignments 打开Menu Assignments窗口, 在Command中输入Macro, 选中要使用的宏, 添加到合适的菜单中.
/* t357.em - a small collection of useful editing macros */
* InsFileHeader -- insert the information of file
* modification history
* --------------------
* 01a, 23mar2003, added DESCRIPTION by t357
* 01a, 05mar2003, t357 written
* --------------------
Inserts a comment header block at the top of the current function.
This actually works font-size: 12px;"> To use this, define an environment variable "szMyName" and set it
to your email name. eg. set szMyName=raygr
macro InsFileHeader()
####### Set szMyName variable to your name ########
####### for example szMyName = "t357" ########
szMyName = ""
// Get current time
szTime = GetSysTime(1)
Day = szTime.Day
Month = szTime.Month
Year = szTime.Year
if (Day < 10)
szDay = "@"
szDay = Day
szMonth = NumToName(Month)
hBuf = GetCurrentBuf()
szpathName = GetBufName(hBuf)
szfileName = GetFileName(szpathName)
nlength = StrLen(szfileName)
szInf = Ask("Enter the information of file:")
szDescription = Ask("Enter the description of file:")
hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
// begin assembling the title string
InsBufLine(hbuf, 0, "/******************************************************************************")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 1, " * @szfileName@ - @szInf@")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 2, " * ")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 3, " * Copyright 1998-2003 Guangzhou Gaoke Communication Technology Co.,Ltd.")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 4, " * ")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 5, " * DESCRIPTION: - ")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 6, " * @szDescription@")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 7, " * modification history")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 8, " * --------------------")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 9, " * 01a, @szDay@@szMonth@@Year@, @szMyName@ written")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 10, " * --------------------")
InsBufLine(hbuf, 11, " ******************************************************************************/")
// put the insertion point inside the header comment
SetBufIns(hbuf, 1, nlength + strlen(szInf) + 8)
* InsFunHeader -- insert function's information
* modification history
* --------------------
* 01a, 23mar2003, added DESCRIPTION by t357
* 01a, 05mar2003, t357 written
* --------------------
macro InsFunHeader()
// Get the owner's name from the environment variable: szMyName.
// If the variable doesn't exist, then the owner field is skipped.
####### Set szMyName variable to your name ########
####### for example szMyName = "t357" ########
szMyName = ""
// Get a handle to the current file buffer and the name
// and location of the current symbol where the cursor is.
hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
szFunc = GetCurSymbol()
ln = GetSymbolLine(szFunc)
// Get current time
szTime = GetSysTime(1)
Day = szTime.Day
Month = szTime.Month
Year = szTime.Year
if (Day < 10)
szDay = "@"
szDay = Day
szMonth = NumToName(Month)
szInf = Ask("Enter the information of function:")
szDescription = Ask("Enter the description of function:")
// begin assembling the title string
sz = "/******************************************************************************"
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, sz)
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, " * @szFunc@ - @szInf@")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, " * DESCRIPTION: - ")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, " * @szDescription@ ")
// remove by t357. CutWord(szDescription)
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, " * Input: ")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, " * Output: ")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, " * Returns: ")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, " * ")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 8, " * modification history")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 9, " * --------------------")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 10, " * 01a, @szDay@@szMonth@@Year@, @szMyName@ written")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 11, " * --------------------")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 12, " ******************************************************************************/")
// put the insertion point inside the header comment
SetBufIns(hbuf, ln + 1, strlen(szFunc) + strlen(szInf) + 8)
* NumToName -- change the month number to name
* modification history
* --------------------
* 01a, 05mar2003, t357 written
* --------------------
macro NumToName(Month)
if (Month == 1)
return "jan"
if (Month == 2)
return "feb"
if (Month == 3)
return "mar"
if (Month == 4)
return "apr"
if (Month == 5)
return "may"
if (Month == 6)
return "jun"
if (Month == 7)
return "jul"
if (Month == 8)
return "aug"
if (Month == 9)
return "sep"
if (Month == 10)
return "oct"
if (Month == 11)
return "nov"
if (Month == 12)
return "dec"
* CutWord -- auto newline
* modification history
* --------------------
* 01a, 24mar2003, t357 fix some bug
* 01a, 05mar2003, t357 written
* --------------------
macro CutWord(ncurLine, szInf)
nlength = StrLen(szInf)
i = 0 /* loop control */
begin = 0 /* first character's index of current line */
pre = 0 /* preceding word's index */
hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
// nline = GetBufLnCur()
while (i < nlength)
/* remove by t357
nrow = 0
sz = ""
while (nrow < 80)
if (nlength < 0)
sz = Cat(sz, szInf[nrow])
nrow = nrow + 1
nlength = nlength - 1
InsBufLine(hbuf, nline, sz)
szInf = szInf[nrow]
c = szInf[i]
if (" " == @c@ && (i - b < LENGTH))
pre = i
else if (" " == @c@)
szOutput = ""
k = begin /* loop control */
while (k < pre)
szOutput = Cat(szOutput, szInf[k])
k = k + 1
InsBufLine(hbuf, ncurLine, sz)
ncurLine = ncurLine + 1
begin = pre
i = i + 1
if (h != i - 1)
szOutput = ""
k = begin /* loop control */
while (k < pre)
szOutput = Cat(szOutput, szInf[k])
k = k + 1
InsBufLine(hbuf, ncurLine, sz)
ncurLine = ncurLine + 1
* GetFileName -- get the filename font-size: 12px;"> return name
* ReturnTrueOrFalse -- Inserts "Returns True or False" at the current line
* modification history
* --------------------
* 01a, 05mar2003, t357 written
* --------------------
macro ReturnTrueOrFalse()
szReturns = "return True if successful or False if errors."
hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf)
szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln)
DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szCurLine@@szReturns@")
SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, StrLen(szReturns) + StrLen(szCurLine) + 3)
* InsHeaderDef -- Inserts the header define in the headerfile
* modification history
* --------------------
* 01a, 05mar2003, t357 written
* --------------------
macro InsHeaderDef()
hBuf = GetCurrentBuf()
szpathName = GetBufName(hBuf)
szfileName = GetFileName(szpathName)
szfileName = toupper(szfileName)
nlength = StrLen(szfileName)
i = 0 /* loop control */
szdefineName = ""
while (i < nlength)
if (szfileName[i] == ".")
szdefineName = Cat(szdefineName, "_")
szdefineName = Cat(szdefineName, szfileName[i])
i = i + 1
szdefineName = Cat("_", szdefineName)
* PrintDate - print date mailto:0@Day">0@Day@"
szDay = Day
szMonth = NumToName(Month)
hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf)
szCurLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln)
DelBufLine(hbuf, ln)
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, "@szCurLine@ @szDay@@szMonth@@Year@")
SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, StrLen(szCurLine) + 10)
// Ask user for ifdef condition and wrap it around current
// selection.
// 28mar2003, modified by t357.
// 26mar2003, modified by t357.
macro InsIfdef()
sz = Ask("Enter ifdef condition:")
if (sz != "")
// IfdefSz(sz);
hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)
hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)
// get line the selection (insertion point) is font-size: 12px;"> InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst, "")
InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst + 1, "@ich@#ifdef @sz@")
InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst + 2, "@ich@" # chTab)
InsBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst + 3, "@ich@#endif /* @sz@ */")
SetBufIns(hbuf, sel.lnFirst + 2, StrLen(ich) + StrLen(chTab))
// Wrap ifdeinef
macro IfdefineSz(sz)
hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
lnFirst = GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd)
lnLast = GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd)
hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst, "#ifndef @sz@")
InsBufLine(hbuf, lnFirst + 1, "#define @sz@")
InsBufLine(hbuf, lnLast + 3, "#endif /* @sz@ */")
SetBufIns(hbuf, lnFirst + 2, 0)
/* A U T O E X P A N D */
Automatically expands C statements like if, for, while, switch, etc..
To use this macro,
1. Add this file to your project or your Base project.
2. Run the Options->Key Assignments command and assign a
convenient keystroke to the "AutoExpand" command.
3. After typing a keyword, press the AutoExpand keystroke to have the
statement expanded. The expanded statement will contain a ### string
which represents a field where you are supposed to type more.
The ### string is also loaded in to the search pattern so you can
use "Search Forward" to select the next ### field.
For example:
1. you type "for" + AutoExpand key
2. this is inserted:
for (###; ###; ###)
3. and the first ### field is selected.
* AutoExpand - Automatically expands C statements
* DESCRIPTION: - Automatically expands C statements like if, for, while,
* switch, etc..
* Input:
* Output:
* Returns:
* modification history
* --------------------
* 01a, 27mar2003, t357 modified
* --------------------
macro AutoExpand()
// get window, sel, and buffer handles
hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
if (hwnd == 0)
sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)
if (sel.ichFirst == 0)
hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)
// get line the selection (insertion point) is font-size: 12px;"> // parse word just to the left of the insertion point
wordinfo = GetWordLeftOfIch(sel.ichFirst, szLine)
ln = sel.lnFirst;
chTab = CharFromAscii(9)
// prepare a new indented blank line to be inserted.
// keep white space font-size: 12px;"> szLine = strmid(szLine, 0, ich)
sel.lnFirst = sel.lnLast
sel.ichFirst = wordinfo.ich
sel.ichLim = wordinfo.ich
// expand szWord keyword...
if (wordinfo.szWord == "if" ||
wordinfo.szWord == "while" ||
wordinfo.szWord == "elseif")
SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (###)")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{");
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # chTab);
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # "}");
else if (wordinfo.szWord == "for")
SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (###)")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{");
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # chTab);
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # "}");
else if (wordinfo.szWord == "switch")
SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (###)")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "case ")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # chTab)
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLine@" # chTab # "break;")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, "@szLine@" # "default:")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 6, "@szLine@" # chTab)
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 7, "@szLine@" # "}")
else if (wordinfo.szWord == "do")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # chTab);
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # "} while ();")
else if (wordinfo.szWord == "case")
SetBufSelText(hbuf, " ###")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # chTab)
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # chTab # "break;")
SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)
LoadSearchPattern("###", true, false, false);
/* G E T W O R D L E F T O F I C H */
Given an index to a character (ich) and a string (sz),
return a "wordinfo" record variable that describes the
text word just to the left of the ich.
wordinfo.szWord = the word string
wordinfo.ich = the first ich of the word
wordinfo.ichLim = the limit ich of the word
macro GetWordLeftOfIch(ich, sz)
wordinfo = "" // create a "wordinfo" structure
chTab = CharFromAscii(9)
// scan backwords over white space, if any
ich = ich - 1;
if (ich >= 0)
while (sz[ich] == " " || sz[ich] == chTab)
ich = ich - 1;
if (ich < 0)
// scan backwords to start of word
ichLim = ich + 1;
asciiA = AsciiFromChar("A")
asciiZ = AsciiFromChar("Z")
while (ich >= 0)
ch = toupper(sz[ich])
asciiCh = AsciiFromChar(ch)
if ((asciiCh < asciiA || asciiCh > asciiZ) && !IsNumber(ch))
break // stop at first non-identifier character
ich = ich - 1;
ich = ich + 1
wordinfo.szWord = strmid(sz, ich, ichLim)
wordinfo.ich = ich
wordinfo.ichLim = ichLim;
return wordinfo