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2006-10-13 09:09:50



Installing an application server on Windows in a heterogeneous (UNIX) SAP system environment (ABAP, Java, or ABAP+Java) with SAPinst.

Other terms

Web AS 6.30, Web AS 6.40, SAP NetWeaver,  SAPinst, 32-bit, 64-bit, heterogeneous installation, SAP NetWeaver 2004s

Reason and Prerequisites

You want to install an application server (dialog instance) on Windows in an ABAP configuration where the database and central instance are running on UNIX.


This is the English Version.


For more information about installing an application server on Windows with  SAPinst refer to the installation guide for your SAP system, which is available on SAP Service Marketplace at: -> , .

More information about the installation of an application server in a heterogeneous system landscape for SAP systems based on SAP Web AS 6.30 or SAP Web AS  6.40, or on SAP NetWeaver.
    1. On UNIX, release the /usr/sap directory as SAPMNT. To do this, use SAMBA or a comparable tool. The user who is performing the installation on the Windows host as well as the adm and SAPService Windows users created during the installation must have read and write authorization on this share directory and its subdirectories.
    2. Refer to SAP Note 28781 for information about setting up the central transport directory. This note also contains a sample configuration file for SAMBA.
    3. Implement the installation preparation steps on the Windows host as described in the installation guide.
    4. NetWeaver 2004s SR1 only: Before starting the installation, edit DEFAULT.PFL in the profile directory and add the parameter SAPGLOBALHOST to it. The value for SAPGLOBALHOST is the hostname of the computer which exports the samba SAPMNT share to the Windows Servers.
    5. Start the SAPinst installation on the Windows host to install the dialog instance and follow the instructions. You require the  SAPinst installation Master CD/DVD for Windows. If necessary, log off from the system and then log on again. For more information, see the "Running SAPinst" section of the installation guide.
    6. Start the installation of the additional dialog instance as you would do for the standard dialog instance installation.
      a) When asked for the central and database instance host, enter the UNIX host.
      b) Netweaver 2004s SR1 only: When asked for the path to the profile directory you have to specify the full UNC path to the central instance profile directory (\\\sapmnt\\SYS\profile).Currently, you cannot browse UNC paths in SAPinst, and you must not use network drive letters.
      c) Web AS 6.30, 6.40  (NW '04 SR1) only : In the installation screen "Defining the Location of the SAP System Instance Directories", choose " Yes, locate executables on central instance host" and choose "Next". This step creates the platform-specific directory on the UNIX host  and extracts theSAPCAR archives from the kernel CD into this directory.
      Everytime the dialog instance starts, it replicates the executables from this directory on the UNIX host to the local executables directory.
    7. After you have completed the installation successfully with SAPinst, use SAPPAD to open the profile of the new dialog instance\\\SAPMNT\\sys\profile\__.
    8. Change or addthefollowing lines, if they are not available:
    (whereas is NTI386 for 32-bit, or NTIA64 for 64-bit Itanium,or NTAMD64 for the X86_64 plattform)
    9. Convert the instance profile, default profile (DEFAULT.PFL), and the start profile (START__D_)into UNIX format.
    To do this, open the files with SAPPAD and choose 'Options' -> 'Save as Unix file' (not necessary for SAP NetWeaver 2004s SR1)
    10. Oracle: Since the SAPsystem is running on Windows under the "SAPService" user, youalsoneed an "OPS$SAPSERVICE" DB user (or OPS$\SAPSERVICE)on the UNIX-based database.
    refers to "OPS$\SAPSERVICE" using an Oracle 9.2 Client with Windows Domain Users.
    refers to "OPS$\SAPSERVICE" using an Oracle 9.2 Client with Windows Local Accounts.
    refers to "OPS$SAPSERVICE" when using an Oracle 10.2 instant client (available as of Oracle 10g). Note that you enter in uppercase and with quotation marks at the beginning and at the end.
      a) logon as ora
      b) start sqlplus /nolog
      c) SQL> create user identified externally;
      d) SQL> grant connect,resource to ;
      e) SQL> create synonym .SAPUSER for OPS$ADM.SAPUSER;
      f) SQL> grant select,update,insert on OPS$ADM.SAPUSER to ;
    11. DB2 for z/OS:
      a) When installing a dialog instance on Windows, you will get the following error message:

Error 2 in execution of a 'CreateProcess' function in line (278), with parameter (..../SYS/exe/run/dbdb2pwd -create ).

To solve this, please copy the executable dbdb2pwd.exe from

\\\sapmnt\\SYS\exe\or\or to


and continue the installation.

      b) After the installation has finished, you must add the planname in the connect.ini file. For more information about setting up the connect.ini,

please refer to the DB Administration Guide.

    12. Start the dialog instance.


The SAP kernel patch level must be identical on all concurrently running platforms within one SAP System. You may therefore need to exchange the installed kernel immediately in order to start the dialog instance successfully.

If you want to import kernel patches for Windows, copy these into the "nuc\" directory (NON-UNICODE) or "uc\" directory (UNICODE) on the UNIX server (whereas is NTI386 for 32-bit, or NTIA64 for 64-bit Itanium or NTAMD64 on X86_64 plattform). They are then automatically distributed to the Windows application server(s) the next time you start the SAP system.

Header Data

Release Status: Released for Customer
Released on: 18.09.2006  08:42:22
Priority: Correction with high priority
Category: Installation information
Primary Component: BC-INS Installation Tools

This note describes all steps required to set up a common transport directory between UNIX, AS/400, and WINDOWS NT.

Additional key words

Windows NT, transport directory, mixed systems, Samba, AS/400

Cause and prerequisites




Setting up a central transport directory NT/UNIX

1. Problem during transport between UNIX and Windows NT

2. Additional necessary software for UNIX

3. Actions for configuration with TMS

    a) Maintain the transport profile

    b) Change instance profile of R/3 systems under Windows NT

    c) Adjustments of R/3 profiles to UNIX format

4. Actions for configuration without TMS

   a) Tools required under Windows NT

   b) Setting the binary mode for R/3 tools

   c) Maintain the transport profile TPPARAM

   d) Change instance profile of R/3 systems under Windows NT

   e) Adjustments of R/3 profiles to UNIX format

5. Example for SAMBA configuration file

6. Example for a mixed transport file

Explanation of terms:
    1. TMS:
    Transport Management System (Transaction STMS)
    2. Transport Profile:
    The name of your transport profile depends on whether you have configured the TMS. The transportprofile in is located inthe directory\usr\sap\trans\bin in the standard system.
    When using TMS: TP_DOMAIN_.PFL
    When not using TMS: TPPARAM

Setting up a central transport directory NT/UNIX
    1.Problem during transport between UNIX and WINDOWS NT
    When you use the transport system, various files are created in the transport directory which are writtenby the kernel, tp.exe and R3trans.exe, among other things.
    The files in the log, buffer and cofiles subdirectories are opened in the default mode (= text mode), while thefiles in the transport subdirectory are written as binary data.
    When you write the files in text mode, there are the following differences between the two operating systems:
    UNIXwrites a linefeed at the end of every line.
    WINDOWS NT writesa carriage return/linefeed at the end of every line.

    When you write files in binary mode, a LINEFEED is written at the end of every line under both UNIX and WINDOWS NT.
    Consequently, files which are written in text mode under WINDOWS NT are not legible under UNIX, and vice versa.

    To set up a common transport directory for UNIX and Windows NT, you select the binary mode as default mode for writing to the files. This can be setvia environment variables as well as via profile parameters.
    For transports between systems based entirely on Windows NT that are executed in standard text mode, these parameters are not required.

    2. Additionally required software for UNIX systems

Currently, NTdoes not have a hierarchical file system like UNIX. There
is also no way to create soft links. Thus, file systems on NT machines cannot be attached to local UNIX trees or vice versa. In order to still allow a bidirectionalaccess to the file systems, additional software must be installed.
This software must meet the following requirements:

  • There must be a distinction between upper and lowercase in filenames, as filenames are case-sensitive in UNIX.
  • The authentication in the other system must be possible via the LanManager API.
  • The software must be able to display the contents of directories, regardless of how you access or link to thesedirectories. Only use software that can export soft links.

    Because LanManager has a large portion of the PC network market, software has been developed for UNIX systems to allow access to LanManager networks. In the meantime there is server software for almost all UNIX variants, which allows the UNIX system to appear as LanManager as far as the PC is concerned. Many hardware manufacturers offer this type of LanManager software. However, SAP cannot recommend one particular one that you should use. However, if you decide on a product, ensure that the three above-mentioned requirements are fulfilled by this software.

    SAP uses the LanManager server called SAMBA(by AndrewTridgell), which can be acquiredfreeof charge via the Internet. However, SAP does not support SAMBA.


    The LanManager server SAMBA provides file services. You can access the NT files in exactly the same way as though you were in a UNIX shell.
  • SAMBA ensures the distinction between upper and lowercase in filenames.
  • The SAMBA server can be configured so that it relies on the authentication from a Windows NT Server at logon (NT Server Authentication).
    The assignment of the UNIX user to the corresponding NT user is stored in a table on the SAMBA server. The user check is then performed by NT. You can find information in the section "Example SAMBA configuration file for NT authentication"

    3. Actions of configuration with TMS
      a) Maintain the transport profile
    • Log on to the transport domain controller and call Transaction STMS.
    • Then choose 'Overview -> System' and choose a system by double-clicking. Then choose 'Configuration -> Display/Change -> Transport tool -> Edit -> Insert row'.
    • Record the followingentries:
        Global  Parameters            Value                  OpSys
          xABAPNTFMODE            b                      wnt
          xtransdir               wnt

        Global  Parameters            Value                  OpSys
          x    ABAPNTFMODE            b                      wnt
          x    transdir          \\trans01\trans4\          wnt
                A99/r3transpath    \R3trans.exe        wnt
                A99/sapevtpath    \sapevt.exe          wnt
                A99/system_pf      \default.pfl        wnt

      The parameter ABAPNTFMODE determines the mode for opening the files which is used by tp and all the tools which are called from tp.
    • Afterwards, save the configuration via 'Configuration -> Save' and go back to the system overview.
    • Then choose 'Extras -> Distribute TMS configuration'.

      b) Changesinstance profile of R/3 systems under Windows NT
      For any R/3 system under Windows NT that is going to use the central transportdirectory the following entries have to be made in the system-specific instance profile of the respective system:
    • Mode to open the files, that is used by R/3 kernel.
    • Set DIR_TRANS on UNIX transport directory
      DIR_TRANS=\\trans01\trans4 (without backslash)
    • SetDIR_EPS on subdirectory of transport directory for Transaction SPAM
    • DIR_EPS_ROOTfortransportdirectory set for TransactionSPAM
      Stop the respectiveR/3 system under Windows NT and then restart it.
      c) Adjustments of R/3 profiles to UNIX format
      The profiles of all systems running under Windows NT have to be converted to binary format.
      For this,login on any system in R/3 and execute transactionRZ10.
      Choosethere 'Utilities -> Import profiles -> of active servers'.
      Thus the profiles are saved in binary format.
    4. Actions for configuration without TMS
      a) Tools required under Windows NT
      For access on a common transport directory the editor SAPPAD is required:
      This editor is located in the executable directory of your system and can interprete UNIX as well as WINDOWS NT file format.
      b) SettingbinarymodeforR/3tools
      As ofRelease4.5A:
      Enter the following parameters into your transport profile:

      ForReleases < 4.5A:
      Set the environment variable abap/NTfmode=b in the user environment for the users under whomthe transport program tp.exe or R3trans.exe is started.
      The environment variable must be entered in any case for the user under whom the kernelwasstarted (ADM oder SAPService).
      (In theControlPanel -> System -> User Environment variable).

      The programNTENV2REG.EXE is stored in your R/3 kernel directory
      Call the program, to declare the user environment to the kernel. This action has to be performed on all machines on which transports are performed.
      c)Maintain the transport parameter TPPARAM
      Enter the following transport parameter into your transport profile:
    • Path of transport parameter
    • Example:
      wnt|transdir = \\trans01\trans4\
      Thetransport profile has to be saved with SAPPAD in UNIX-Format. Forthis you choose Options->Save As Unix File.
      d) Changesinstance profile of R/3 systems under Windows NT
      For any system that is going to use the central transport directory the following system-specific instance profiles of the respective system have to be included:
    • Mode for opening the files that is used by R/3 kernel.
    • Set DIR_TRANSonUNIXtransportdirectory
      DIR_EPS_ROOTfor transport directory set for Transaction SPAM
    • Youmustnotsetparameter DIR_EPSin the profileitself - it is
      automaticallygenerated depending on the parameter DIR_EPS_ROOT.
      Stop the respectiveR/3 system aswellas the ServiceSAP_ (for this you use Control Panel->Services). Afterwards restart both.
      e)Adjustments of R/3 profiles to UNIX format
      The profiles of all systems running under Windows NT that are going to use the central transportdirectory have to be converted to binary format.
      For this you logonto each system in R/3 and execute TransactionRZ10.
      There,select 'Utilities -> Import profiles -> of active servers'.
      This saves the profiles in the UNIX format.

    5. Example SAMBA configuration file for NT authentication

           ---------->NT Server Authentication
; Configuration example file forsambausing computer pswdf004as
;password server
;SECURITYOPTIONguest account:theguest has the file access
;rights of thisUNIX-user
guestaccount= nobody

debuglevel = 0
security= server
passwordserver = pswdf004
getwdcache = yes
widelinks= no
passwordlevel = 8
case sig names=yes
preserve case= yes
casesensitive = yes
read prediction = yes

comment= us0011:/usr/sap/trans
path= /usr/sap/trans
;SECURITY OPTION public: all userscanaccess the share as a guest
;no password ischecked
public= yes
; SECURITY OPTION writable: files + directoriescan
; bechangedif writable= yes
;SECURITYOPTIONbrowsable: Shareisvisible if browsable= yes
browsable = yes
create mask = 0664
map hidden = no
mapsystem= no
preserve case= yes
widelinks = yes
; SECURITY OPTION allow hosts: only specified hosts can access the
; share
allow hosts = us0011

    1. Example of a mixed transport profile

           ABAPNTFMODE = b
transdir    = /usr/sap/trans/
wnt|transdir= \\trans01\trans4\
syslog      = SLOG$(syear)$(yweek).$(system)
alllog      = ALOG$(syear)$(yweek).$(system)
r3transstat  =$(transdir)log/STATLOG.$(system).#.$(yweek)

BIN/dbhost  = hs0055
BIN/dbname   = BIN

BIN/r3transpath    = /bas/$(system)/exe/dbg/$(cpu)/R3trans
wnt|BIN/r3transpath =\\NTPC\sapmnt\bin\sys\exe\run\R3trans.exe

sapevtpath          = /bas/$(system)/exe/dbg/$(cpu)/sapevt
wnt|BIN/sapevtpath   =\\NTPC\sapmnt\bin\sys\exe\run\sapevt.exe

BIN/system_pf      =/bas/$(system)/profile/DEFAULT.PFL
wnt|BIN/system_pf  =\\NTPC\sapmnt\bin\sys\profile\BIN_D53_NTPC
BIN/impdp_by_event  = yes

Source code corrections

Header Data

Release Status: Released for Customer
Released on: 11.10.2006  08:35:01
Priority: Recommendations/additional info
Category: Consulting
Primary Component: BC-CTS Change and Transport System
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