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  • 博客访问: 228381
  • 博文数量: 31
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  • 博客等级: 上尉
  • 技术积分: 409
  • 用 户 组: 普通用户
  • 注册时间: 2006-04-04 15:21





分类: Mysql/postgreSQL

2008-04-22 13:25:09



关于Customer.csv 文件


n         编号6的客户的街道编号现在是7777 Ritter Rd(它原来是7000 Ritter Rd.)

n         编号7的客户名称现在是Distinguished Agencies(它原来是Distinguished Partners)。

n         新增了一个客户是第8个客户。



1, Really Large Customers, 7500 Louise Dr., 17050, Mechanicsburg, PA

2, Small Stores, 2500 Woodland St., 17055, Pittsburgh, PA

3, Medium Retailers, 1111 Ritter Rd., 17055, Pittsburgh, PA

4, Good Companies, 9500 Scott St., 17050, Mechanicsburg, PA

5, Wonderful Shops, 3333 Rossmoyne Rd., 17050, Mechanicsburg, PA

6, Extremely Loyal Clients, 7777 Ritter Rd., 17055, Pittsburgh, PA

7, Distinguished Agencies, 9999 Scott St., 17050, Mechanicsburg, PA

8, Subsidiaries, 10000 Wetline Blvd., 17055, Pittsburgh, PA



n         产品3的名称现在是Flat Pan(它原来是LCD Panel)。

n         新增一个产品为第4个产品。



1          Hard Disk Drive                 Storage

2          Floppy Drive                    Storage

3          Flat Panel                      Monitor

4          Keyboard                        Peripheral





/*                                                               */

/* sales_order_regular.sql                                       */

/*                                                               */


USE source;



  (22, 1, 1, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 1000)

, (23, 2, 2, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 2000)

, (24, 3, 3, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 3000)

, (25, 4, 4, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 4000)

, (26, 5, 2, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 1000)

, (27, 6, 2, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 3000)

, (28, 7, 3, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 5000)

, (29, 8, 4, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 7000)

, (30, 1, 1, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 1000)

, (31, 2, 2, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 2000)

, (32, 3, 3, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 4000)

, (33, 4, 4, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 6000)

, (34, 5, 1, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 2500)

, (35, 6, 2, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 5000)

, (36, 7, 3, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 7500)

, (37, 8, 4, '2007–03–01', '2007–03–01', 1000)



/* end of script                                                 */


mysql> \. c:\mysql\scripts\sales_order_regular.sql


Database changed
Query OK, 16 rows affected (0.08 sec)
Records: 16  Duplicates:  0  Warnings: 0




        在你运行列表 8-1所示的dw_regular.sql 脚本之前,你需要设置mysql数据库时间为2007-03-01。然后运行该脚本

mysql> \. c:\mysql\scripts\dw_regular.sql


Database changed

Query OK, 7 rows affected (0.12 sec)


Query OK, 8 rows affected (0.05 sec)

Records: 8  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)

Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)

Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.06 sec)

Rows matched: 2  Changed: 2  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)

Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.05 sec)


Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.08 sec)

Records: 4  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)

Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)

Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 16 rows affected (0.07 sec)

Records: 16  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


Query OK, 16 rows affected (0.11 sec)

Records: 16  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0




mysql> select * from customer_dim \G


The result is as follows.

*************************** 1. row ***************

            customer_sk: 1

        customer_number: 1

          customer_name: Really Large Customers

customer_street_address: 7500 Louise Dr.

      customer_zip_code: 17050

          customer_city: Mechanicsburg

         customer_state: PA

         effective date: 2005–03–01

            expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 2. row **************

            customer_sk: 2

        customer_number: 2

          customer_name: Small Stores

customer_street_address: 2500 Woodland St.

      customer_zip_code: 17055

          customer_city: Pittsburgh

         customer_state: PA

         effective_date: 2005–03–01

            expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 3. row ***************************

            customer_sk: 3

        customer_number: 3

          customer_name: Medium Retailers

customer_street_address: 1111 Ritter Rd.

      customer_zip_code: 17055

          customer_city: Pittsburgh

         customer state: PA

         effective_date: 2005–03–01

            expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 4. row ***************************

            customer_sk: 4

        customer_number: 4

          customer_name: Good Companies

customer_street_address: 9500 Scott St.

      customer_zip_code: 17050

          customer_city: Mechanicsburg

         customer_state: PA

         effective_date: 2005–03–01

            expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 5. row ***************************

            customer_sk: 5

        customer_number: 5

          customer_name: Wonderful Shops

customer_street_address: 3333 Rossmoyne Rd.

      customer_zip_code: 17050

          customer_city: Mechanicsburg

         customer_state: PA

         effective date: 2005–03–01

            expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 6. row ***********************************

            customer_sk: 6

        customer_number: 6

          customer_name: Extremely Loyal Clients

customer_street_address: 7070 Ritter Rd.

      customer_zip_code: 17055

          customer_city: Pittsburgh

         customer_state: PA

         effective_date: 2005–03–01

            expiry_date: 2007–02–28

*************************** 7. row ***************************

            customer_sk: 7

        customer_number: 7

          customer_name: Distinguished Agencies

customer_street_address: 9999 Scott St.

      customer_zip_code: 17050

          customer_city: Mechanicsburg

         customer_state: PA

         effective_date: 2005–03–01

            expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 8. row ***************************

            customer_sk: 8

        customer_number: 6

          customer_name: Extremely Loyal Clients

customer_street_address: 7777 Ritter Rd.

      customer_zip_code: 17055

          customer_city: Pittsburgh

         customer_state: PA

         effective_date: 2007–03–01

            expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 9. row ***************************

            customer_sk: 9

        customer_number: 8

          customer_name: Subsidiaries

customer_street_address: 10000 Wetline Blvd.

      customer_zip_code: 17055

          customer_city: Pittsburgh

         customer_state: PA

         effective_date: 2007–03–01

            expiry_date: 9999–12–31

9 rows in set (0.00 sec)



n         SCD2被作用于客户6的街道地址

n         SCD1被作用于所有客户6记录的名称上。

n         SCD1被作用于客户7的名称上。

n         新增了客户记录:客户8


mysql> select * from product_dim \G


*************************** 1. row ***************************

      product_sk: 1

    product_code: 1

    product_name: Hard Disk Drive

product_category: Storage

  effective_date: 2005–03–01

     expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 2. row ***************************

      product_sk: 2

    product_code: 2

    product_name: Floppy Drive

product_category: Storage

  effective_date: 2005–03–01

     expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 3. row ***************************

      product_sk: 3

    product_code: 3

    product_name: LCD Panel

product_category: Monitor

  effective_date: 2005–03–01

     expiry_date: 2007–02–28

*************************** 4. row ***************************

      product_sk: 4

    product_code: 3

    product_name: Flat Panel

product_category: Monitor

  effective date: 2007–03–01

     expiry_date: 9999–12–31

*************************** 5. row **************************

      product_sk: 5

    product_code: 4

    product_name: Keyboard

product_category: Peripheral

  effective_date: 2007–03–01

     expiry_date: 9999–12–31

5 rows in set (0.01 sec)


n         SCD2被应用到产品3的名称

n         新增新的产品:产品4


mysql> select * from order_dim;



| order_sk | order_number | effective_date | expiry_date |


|        1 |            3 | 2005–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|        2 |            4 | 2005–04–15     | 9999–12–31  |

|        3 |            5 | 2005–05–20     | 9999–12–31  |

|        4 |            6 | 2005–07–30     | 9999–12–31  |

|        5 |            7 | 2005–09–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|        6 |            8 | 2005–11–10     | 9999–12–31  |

|        7 |            9 | 2006–01–05     | 9999–12–31  |

|        8 |           10 | 2006–02–10     | 9999–12–31  |

|        9 |           11 | 2006–03–15     | 9999–12–31  |

|       10 |           12 | 2006–04–20     | 9999–12–31  |

|       11 |           13 | 2006–05–30     | 9999–12–31  |

|       12 |           14 | 2006–06–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       13 |           15 | 2006–07–15     | 9999–12–31  |

|       14 |           16 | 2006–08–30     | 9999–12–31  |

|       15 |           17 | 2006–09–05     | 9999–12–31  |

|       16 |           18 | 2006–10–05     | 9999–12–31  |

|       17 |           19 | 2007–01–10     | 9999–12–31  |

|       18 |           20 | 2007–02–20     | 9999–12–31  |

|       19 |           21 | 2007–02–28     | 9999–12–31  |

|       20 |           22 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       21 |           23 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       22 |           24 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       23 |           25 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       24 |           26 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       25 |           27 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       26 |           28 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       27 |           29 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       28 |           30 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       29 |           31 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       30 |           32 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       31 |           33 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       32 |           34 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       33 |           35 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       34 |           36 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |

|       35 |           37 | 2007–03–01     | 9999–12–31  |


35 rows in set (0.00 sec)




mysql> select * from sales_order_fact;



| order_sk | customer_sk | product_sk | order_date_sk | order_amount |


|       1  |           3 |          3 |             1 |      4000.00 |

|       2  |           4 |          1 |            46 |      4000.00 |

|       3  |           5 |          2 |            81 |      6000.00 |

|       4  |           6 |          3 |           152 |      6000.00 |

|       5  |           7 |          1 |           185 |      8000.00 |

|       6  |           1 |          2 |           255 |      8000.00 |

|       7  |           2 |          3 |           311 |      1000.00 |

|       8  |           3 |          1 |           347 |      1000.00 |

|       9  |           4 |          2 |           380 |      2000.00 |

|      10  |           5 |          3 |           416 |      2500.00 |

|      11  |           6 |          1 |           456 |      3000.00 |

|      12  |           7 |          2 |           458 |      3500.00 |

|      13  |           1 |          3 |           502 |      4000.00 |

|      14  |           2 |          1 |           548 |      4500.00 |

|      15  |           3 |          2 |           554 |      1000.00 |

|      16  |           4 |          3 |           584 |      1000.00 |

|      17  |           5 |          1 |           681 |      4000.00 |

|      18  |           6 |          2 |           722 |      4000.00 |

|      19  |           7 |          3 |           730 |      4000.00 |

|      20  |           1 |          1 |           731 |      1000.00 |

|      21  |           2 |          2 |           731 |      2000.00 |

|      22  |           3 |          4 |           731 |      3000.00 |

|      23  |           4 |          5 |           731 |      4000.00 |

|      24  |           5 |          2 |           731 |      1000.00 |

|      25  |           8 |          2 |           731 |      3000.00 |

|      26  |           7 |          4 |           731 |      5000.00 |

|      27  |           9 |          5 |           731 |      7000.00 |

|      28  |           1 |          1 |           731 |      1000.00 |

|      29  |           2 |          2 |           731 |      2000.00 |

|      30  |           3 |          4 |           731 |      4000.00 |

|      31  |           4 |          5 |           731 |      6000.00 |

|      32  |           5 |          1 |           731 |      2500.00 |

|      33  |           8 |          2 |           731 |      5000.00 |

|      34  |           7 |          4 |           731 |      7500.00 |

|      35  |           9 |          5 |           731 |      1000.00 |


35 rows ir n set (0.00 sec :)


n        开始于2007-03-0116条订单被加入。

n        以订单日期为日期基准,有效的产品和客户被准确的获得。

u      代理键值为4代表产品3而不是代理键值为3的那个记录。

u      代理键值为8代表客户6,而不是代理键值为6的那个记录。




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