分类: 系统运维
2011-07-12 19:06:24
shell>php -q add_device.php --description="Device Add Test" --ip="router.mydomain.com" --template=3 --community="public"
usage: add_device.php --description=[description] --ip=[IP] --template=[ID] [--notes="[]"] [--disable]
[--avail=[ping]] --ping_method=[icmp] --ping_port=[N/A, 1-65534] --ping_retries=[2]
[--version=[1|2|3]] [--community=] [--port=161] [--timeout=500]
[--username= --password=] [--authproto=] [--privpass= --privproto=] [--context=]
--description the name that will be displayed by Cacti in the graphs
--ip self explanatory (can also be a FQDN)
--template 0, is a number (read below to get a list of templates)
--notes '', General information about this host. Must be enclosed using double quotes.
--disable 0, 1 to add this host but to disable checks and 0 to enable it
--avail pingsnmp, [ping][none, snmp, pingsnmp]
--ping_method tcp, icmp|tcp|udp
--ping_port '', 1-65534
--ping_retries 2, the number of time to attempt to communicate with a host
--version 1, 1|2|3, snmp version
--community '', snmp community string for snmpv1 and snmpv2. Leave blank for no community
--port 161
--timeout 500
--username '', snmp username for snmpv3
--password '', snmp password for snmpv3
--authproto '', snmp authentication protocol for snmpv3
--privpass '', snmp privacy passphrase for snmpv3
--privproto '', snmp privacy protocol for snmpv3
--context '', snmp context for snmpv3
List Options:
--quiet - batch mode value return