硬件平台:Sun Fire 480 + L100 (配置了两个HP LTO 2驱动器)
软件:Solaris 9 + Netbackup 5.0
主机通过JNI光纤卡(PN:375-3156)连接到带库中的Quantum FC420 光纤桥连器.
安装NBU后,sgscan和jnbSA只能看到Robot或changer,不能识别到两个HP LTO2驱动器.
(1) 检查L100带库配置:
. Library ID: 0
. Drive 1 ID: 1
. Drive 2 ID: 2
. Emulation: ATL M2500
. Import/Export: None
. Serialization: Enable(This setting is only valid when Emulation is set to
ATL M2500 or ATL 1500)
(2) 由于是使用JNI卡,以下Packages和相应的Patch必须被安装:
SUNWjfca,SUNWjfcax,SUNWjfcau, SUNWjfcaux
(3) 从OS层检测是否可以看到带库,如果OS本身就无法识别带库的驱动器,应该考虑主机与带库之间的连接.
参考"FC420 Bridge Quick Ref Guide"中的第三页"Step 3: Cabling the FC420 Bridge(s)".
(4) 对于JNI 2GB PCI Single FC Network Adapter(PN:375-3156 和 375-3157),强制将其工作模式设置
Public Loop,而且禁用自适应模式.
(5) 检查"/etc/system"文件中是否包括以下行:
forceload: drv/st
forceload: drv/sg
forceload: drv/fcaw
(6) 检查NBU关键的内核模块"sg driver"是否加载.
# modinfo | grep -w sg
假如该模块没有被加载,或者更新sg driver,按照以下步骤:
(a) # cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
# ./sg.build all -mt 2 -lt 2
--> Here,"all" to denote sg.build to create all related files;"mt" means max.
Target Number;and "lt" means max. Lun Number.How to get it?
# cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev
From output,You can get the LUN Number of Changer and Robotics,also the WWN.
(b) 根据需要编辑"sg.conf" and "sg.links" 文件.以下提供这两个的格式参考:
Example for "sg.conf" file:
name="sg" parent="fp" target=0 lun=1 fc-port-wwn="2100001086111838";
name="sg" parent="fp" target=0 lun=2 fc-port-wwn="2100001086111838";
name="sg" parent="fp" target=0 lun=5 fc-port-wwn="2100001086111838";
Example for "st.links" file:
type=ddi_pseudo;name=sg;addr=w2100001086111838,1; sg/c\N0t\A1l1
type=ddi_pseudo;name=sg;addr=w2100001086111838,2; sg/c\N0t\A1l2
type=ddi_pseudo;name=sg;addr=w2100001086111838,5; sg/c\N0t\A1l5
-->The last digit in each line in "st.links" file denotes the LUN Number.
Please be do noted between ";" and "sg" string is TAB,not SPACE.
(c) 将上述文件copy到同"sg.install"同样的目录下,然后运行该命令更新sg driver:
# rem_drv sg (if the old "sg" drive exist)
# cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/
# ./sg.install
--> it will overwide "/kernel/drv/sg.conf" and "/kernel/drv/st.conf" using the new
file created by "sg.build",and update "sg" kernel module
(d) 经过上述步骤后,NBU能够识别到Changer和两个HP LTO2驱动器.
# sgscan [ all | tape ]
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