[root@server1]#scconf sc-cluster -p
Checking node status...
Current Configuration for Cluster sc-cluster
Hosts in cluster:
server1 server2
Private Network Interfaces for
server1: ce4 ce6
server2: ce4 ce6
Quorum Device Information
Quorum device for hosts server1 and server2: 452B9F07-00
Logical Host Timeout Value :
Step10 :720
Step11 :720
Logical Host :180
[root@server1]#scconf sc-cluster -q server1 server2
Checking node status...
Checking host server2 ...server2 is alive
Getting device information for hosts server1 and server2
This may take a few seconds to a few minutes...done
Select quorum device for server1 and server2.
Type the number corresponding to the desired selection.
For example: 1
1) DISK:c7t0d0s2:452B9F07-00
2) DISK:c7t0d1s2:452B9F07-01
3) DISK:c7t0d2s2:452B9F07-02
4) DISK:c7t0d3s2:452B9F07-03
Quorum device: 2
Disk c7t0d1s2 with serial id 452B9F07-01 has been chosen
as the quorum device.
[root@server1]#scconf sc-cluster -p
Checking node status...
Current Configuration for Cluster sc-cluster
Hosts in cluster:
server1 server2
Private Network Interfaces for
server1: ce4 ce6
server2: ce4 ce6
Quorum Device Information
Quorum device for hosts server1 and server2: 452B9F07-01
Logical Host Timeout Value :
Step10 :720
Step11 :720
Logical Host :180
[root@server2/]#scconf sc-cluster -p
Checking node status...
Current Configuration for Cluster sc-cluster
Hosts in cluster:
server1 server2
Private Network Interfaces for
server1: ce4 ce6
server2: ce4 ce6
Quorum Device Information
Quorum device for hosts server1 and server2: 452B9F07-00
Logical Host Timeout Value :
Step10 :720
Step11 :720
Logical Host :180
[root@server2/]#scconf sc-cluster -q server1 server2
Checking node status...
Checking host server1 ...
server1 is alive
Getting device information for hosts server1 and server2
This may take a few seconds to a few minutes...done
Select quorum device for server1 and server2.
Type the number corresponding to the desired selection.
For example: 1
1) DISK:c8t0d0s2:452B9F07-00
2) DISK:c8t0d1s2:452B9F07-01
3) DISK:c8t0d2s2:452B9F07-02
4) DISK:c8t0d3s2:452B9F07-03
Quorum device: 2
Disk c8t0d1s2 with serial id 452B9F07-01 has been chosen
as the quorum device.
[root@server2/]#scconf sc-cluster -p
Checking node status...
Current Configuration for Cluster sc-cluster
Hosts in cluster:
server1 server2
Private Network Interfaces for
server1: ce4 ce6
server2: ce4 ce6
Quorum Device Information
Quorum device for hosts server1 and server2: 452B9F07-01
Logical Host Timeout Value :
Step10 :720
Step11 :720
Logical Host :180
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