27.Data Guard
Note: To protect against unlogged direct writes in the primary
database that cannot be propagated to the standby database, turn
on FORCE LOGGING at the primary database before taking datafile
backups for standby creation. Keep the database (or at least
important tablespaces) in FORCE LOGGING mode as long as the
standby database is active.
As application transactions make changes to the primary database, the changes are
logged locally in redo logs, which are sent to the standby databases by log transport
services and applied by log apply services.
For physical standby databases, the changes are applied to each physical standby
database that is running in managed recovery mode. For logical standby databases,
the changes are applied using SQL regenerated from the archived redo logs.
SQL>startup nomount pfile=’ D:\oracle\admin\pennon\pfile\init.ora’
SQL>alter database mount standby database;
SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
SQL>alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
SQL>alter database open read only;
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