Step 0 – Spin up clean VM, update VM, enable EPEL
$ sudo yum -qy update
$ sudo su -c 'rpm -Uvh '
Step 1 – make sure your pre-reqs are installed
Optionally, specify your architecture. If you are using a 64-bit version of the OS, there’s no real need to install the i386 versions of the devel packages unless you really want to. If you want both versions, simply remove where I’ve added .x86_64 below:
$ sudo yum -qy install gcc gcc-c++ make patch zlib zlib-devel.x86_64 openssl openssl-devel.x86_64 readline readline-devel.x86_64 git
Step 2 – Run the install script
First, make sure curl is installed
$ sudo yum -qy install curl
Install vcap:
$ curl > install.vcap && bash install.vcap
After this step, make sure you exit and open a new shell, or reload your current one
Step 3 – Start and check VCAP
$ cd ~/cloudfoundry/vcap
$ bin/vcap start
$ bin/vcap status
$ bin/vcap tail # see aggregate logs
Hopefully, from here on out you can follow the instructions at (start at section: Trying your setup) to test your setup