看[root@linglingshang2009 local_autorespond_forward]# cat config.php|grep vaca
global $forward_data, $sq_vacation_file, $vacation_file,
$vacation_delete, $forward_file, $maintain_forwarding,
$sq_vacation_subject_file, $ldap_lookup_ftp_server,
$vacation_path, $laf_prefs_file,
$local_delivery_syntax, $vacation_command_quotes, $www_initialize,
$vacation_subject_default, $vacation_message_default,
// server to maintain vacation and/or .forward files: "ftp" or "suid"
// of the binary that writes vacation messages and .forward
$laf_prefs_file = '.vacation.pref';
// subject line for the vacation message
$sq_vacation_subject_file = '.vacation.subj';
// This is the name of the file that holds the raw vacation message text
$sq_vacation_file = '.vacation.sq';
// This is the name of vacation file, which holds the vacation message
$vacation_file = '.vacation.msg';
// like to be deleted when the vacation message is removed
$vacation_delete = '.vacation.db';
// You may define a default vacation subject and message for your
// $vacation_subject_default = 'Out-of-office Reply';
// $vacation_message_default = "Thank you for your email, however I am currently out of the office. Please be assured that I will reply as soon as I am able.\n\nThank you for your patience.\n\n";
$vacation_subject_default = '';
$vacation_message_default = "";
// when the user turns on the vacation message?
// This usually corresponds to executing the vacation program
// vacation database.
// requires it to be configured with "--enable-vacation".
// when the user changes her vacation message?
// This usually corresponds to executing the vacation program
// vacation database.
// requires it to be configured with "--enable-vacation".
// $www_initialize = '/usr/bin/vacation -I';
$www_initialize = '/usr/bin/sudo -u ###USERNAME### /usr/bin/vacation -I';
// This is the path to the vacation executable
// needed here, such as to change the vacation
// $vacation_path = '/usr/bin/vacation -t1';
$vacation_path = '/usr/bin/vacation';
// By default, aliases will be added to the vacation command
// have the aliases listed in the vacation command in full
// the vacation command in the .forward file. You can change
// $vacation_command_quotes = '';
$vacation_command_quotes = '"';
// address for user authentication (login), but a vacation
// by a comma) as the vacation command.
// $forward_file_format_pattern = array('/(.*)(^.+?\/usr\/bin\/vacation.+?$)(.*?)(, '/(\n){2,}/');
// If you use the -h option for the vacation binary,
[root@linglingshang2009 test]# find / -name ".vacation.pref" -print
用strings 查看了,发现发过的邮件都在这里面,就死马当活马医了一回,直接清空
/usr/bin/vacation -I -r -t0 test
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