NOTE: Could not read the /etc/resolv.conf file.
System Information
Your Hewlett-Packard computer has software installed and
configured as follows.
The system was created June 20, 2007, 13:32:06 EDT.
It was created with Ignite-UX revision C.6.1.44.
NOTE: You should retain this information for future reference.
System Hardware
Model: 9000/800/N4000-44
Main Memory: 1024 MB
Processors: 1
OS mode: 64 bit
LAN hardware ID: 0x00306E1CF0D7
LAN hardware ID: 0x001083F8125C
LAN hardware ID: 0x001083F8124E
LAN hardware ID: 0x001083F81207
LAN hardware ID: 0x001083F8120D
LAN hardware ID: 0x001083F767D1
LAN hardware ID: 0x001083F717E6
LAN hardware ID: 0x001083F7074A
LAN hardware ID: 0x001083F767D7
Software ID: 664359323
Keyboard Language: Not_Applicable
Storage devices HW Path Interface
HP C1537A 0/0/1/0.0.0 SCSI C895 Fast Wide Single-Ended
HP 18.2GST318452LC 17366 Mb 0/0/2/1.6.0 SCSI C87x Ultra Wide Single-Ended
I/O Interfaces
Class H/W Path Driver Description
lan 0/0/0/0 btlan HP PCI 10/100Base-TX Core
ext_bus 0/0/1/0 c720 SCSI C895 Fast Wide Single-Ended
ext_bus 0/0/2/0 c720 SCSI C87x Ultra Wide Single-Ended
ext_bus 0/0/2/1 c720 SCSI C87x Ultra Wide Single-Ended
tty 0/0/4/0 asio0 PCI Serial (103c1048)
tty 0/0/5/0 asio0 PCI Serial (103c1048)
fc 0/8/0/0 td HP Tachyon TL/TS Fibre Channel Mass Storage Adapter
lan 0/10/0/0/4/0 btlan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan 0/10/0/0/5/0 btlan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan 0/10/0/0/6/0 btlan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan 0/10/0/0/7/0 btlan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan 1/0/0/0/4/0 btlan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan 1/0/0/0/5/0 btlan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan 1/0/0/0/6/0 btlan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan 1/0/0/0/7/0 btlan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
Installed Software
Your system was installed with HP-UX version B.11.11.
Your system has the following software products installed and
configured on the system disk drive(s).
Product Revision Description
2004Jun11 1.0 /megpatch/megpdpt
B3913DB C.03.33.01 HP aC++ Compiler (S800)
B3929CA B.11.11 HP OnLineJFS
B5161FA A.11.14 ServiceGuard OPS Edition Bundle
B5725AA C.6.1.44 HP-UX Installation Utilities (Ignite-UX)
B6848BA 1.4.gm.46.9 Ximian GNOME 1.4 GTK+ Libraries for HP-UX
B8111AA Java 2 RTE for HP-UX (700/800), PA1.1 + PA2.0 Add On
B8324BA B.01.04 HP Cluster Object Manager
B8339BA B. servicecontrol manager Server and Agent Bundle
B8465BA A.02.00.05 HP WBEM Services for HP-UX
B9073BA B. HP-UX iCOD (Instant Capacity on Demand)
B9098AA Java 2 Plugin for HP-UX (700/800)
B9788AA Java2 1.3 SDK for HP-UX
B9789AA Java2 1.3 RTE for HP-UX
BUNDLE11i B.11.11.0306.1 Required Patch Bundle for HP-UX 11i, June 2003
Base-VXVM B.03.50.5 Base VERITAS Volume Manager Bundle 3.5 for HP-UX
CDE-English B.11.11.0412 English CDE Environment
CMDVIEWSDM 1.09.00 HP StorageWorks Command View VA
FDDI-00 B.11.11.02 PCI FDDI;Supptd HW=A3739A/A3739B;SW=J3626AA
FEATURE11-11 B.11.11.0209.5 Feature Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i, Sept 2002
FibrChanl-00 B.11.11.12 PCI/HSC FibreChannel;Supptd HW=A6684A,A6685A,A5158A,A6795A
FibrChanl-01 B.11.11.04 PCI-X FibreChannel;Supptd HW=A6826A,A9782A,A9784A,AB465A
GOLDAPPS11i B.11.11.0412.5 Gold Applications Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004
GOLDBASE11i B.11.11.0412.5 Gold Base Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004
GigEther-00 B.11.11.19 PCI/HSC GigEther;Supptd HW=A4926A/A4929A/A4924A/A4925A;SW=J1642AA
GigEther-01 B.11.11.17 PCI/PCI-X GigEther;Supptd HW=A6794A/A6825A/A6847A/A9782A/A9784A/A7109A/AB465A
HPUX11i-OE B.11.11.0412 HP-UX 11i Operating Environment Component
HPUXBase64 B.11.11 HP-UX 64-bit Base OS
HPUXBaseAux B.11.11.0412 HP-UX Base OS Auxiliary
HWEnable11i B.11.11.0412.5 Hardware Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i v1, December 2004
IEther-00 B.11.11.07 PCI/PCI-X IEther;Supptd HW=A7011A/A7012A/AB352A/AB290A/AB545A
ISEEPlatform A.03.50.867 ISEE Platform
Ignite-UX-11-11 C.6.1.44 HP-UX Installation Utilities for Installing 11.11 Systems
MOZILLA Mozilla 1.6 for HP-UX
MOZILLAsrc Mozilla 1.6 Source distribution
NPar B. Provider - HP-UX
NParCmds A.01.02 Enhanced NPartition Commands
OnlineDiag B. HPUX 11.11 Support Tools Bundle, Dec 2004
OpenSSL A.00.09.07-d.010 Secure Network Communications Protocol
ParMgr B. Manager - HP-UX
RAID-00 B.11.11.01 PCI RAID; Supptd HW=A5856A
RAID-01 B.11.11.04 RAID SA; Supptd HW=A7143A/A9890A/A9891A
T1455AA Java2 1.3 Netscape Plugin for HP-UX
T1456AA Java2 1.4 SDK for HP-UX
T1456AAaddon Java2 1.4 SDK -AA addon for HP-UX
T1457AA Java2 1.4 RTE for HP-UX
T1457AAaddon Java2 1.4 RTE -AA addon for HP-UX
T1458AA Java2 1.4 Netscape Plugin for HP-UX
hpuxwsApache A. HP-UX Apache-based Web Server
hpuxwsTomcat A. HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine
hpuxwsWebmin A.1.070.02 HP-UX Webmin-based Admin
hpuxwsXml A.2.00 HP-UX XML Web Server Tools
perl D.5.8.0.E Perl Programming Language
scsiU320-00 B.11.11.02 PCI-X SCSI U320; Supptd HW=A7173A/AB290A
LVM File System Configuration
This system is configured with Logical Volume Manager (LVM) file systems.
Refer to the File System layout section for information on the LVM layout.
JFS File System Configuration
This system is configured with a Journaled File System (referred to
as either JFS or VXFS). Refer to the File System layout section for
information on JFS/VXFS file systems.
Disk layout
LVM disk Device file HW Addr size vol. grp
HP 18.2GST318452LC /dev/dsk/c2t6d0 0/0/2/1.6.0 17366 /dev/vg00
File System layout
LVM Device file mount point size fs type
/dev/vg00/lvol1 /stand 300 hfs
/dev/vg00/lvol2 swap 2048
/dev/vg00/lvol3 / 700 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol4 /home 500 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol5 /opt 4488 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol6 /tmp 1024 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol7 /usr 3236 vxfs
/dev/vg00/lvol8 /var 4548 vxfs
/dev/vg00/u01 0 unused
/dev/vg00 unallocated 516
Swap configuration
type size priority device/location
dev 2048 1 /dev/vg00/lvol2
Kernel Configuration
The following drivers or parameters are configured into your system's
kernel. After installing HP-UX, use the sam(1m) command to configure
the following items into the kernel:
dnlc_hash_locks 512
max_thread_proc 256
maxdsiz 1073741824
maxdsiz_64bit 2147483648
maxssiz 134217728
maxssiz_64bit 1073741824
maxswapchunks 1024
maxtsiz 0X4000000
maxtsiz_64bit 0X40000000
maxusers 1000
nstrpty 60
semmni 500
semmns 1000
semmnu 500
shmmax 1073741824
shmmni 512
shmseg 200
vps_ceiling 64
System Information
The following parameters were set on the configured target:
hostname: n4000b
IP address:
IP address:
subnet mask:
subnet mask:
gateway IP address:
time zone: MST7MDT
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