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2006-04-05 15:59:07

51,To assign a switchport to the VLAN, you would use the switchport access vlan interface configuration command



Configure terminal

Switch(config)# vtp mode transparent

Switch(config)# spanning-tree portfast default

Switch(config)# interface range fa0/1-24

Switch(config-if)# switchport mode access


Switch(config-if)# interface range fa0/12-24

Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 20


Copy running-config startup-config


53,The ‘set vlan vlan-num’ is used to configure VLANs on CAT OS switches. In order to make any configuration changes to these switches, you must first be in privileged enable mode


54,The pruning keyword is used to enable or disable VTP prining for the VTP domain. VTP pruning causes information about each pruning-eligible VLAN to be removed from VTP updates if there are no stations belonging to that VLAN out a particular switch port. Use the set vtp pruneeligible and clear vtp pruneeligible commands to specify which VLANs should or should not be pruned when pruning is enabled for the domain


55,You are a CCNP in the midst of configuring a switching solution on a switch that participates in multilayer switching. What show command would you use to view the MLS interfaces for a specific VTP domain?

Answer:show mls rp vtp-domain


56,While verifying your configuration on the non-IOS based switch named TK1, you issue the following command:

Show trunk

What is this command useful for ?

For verifying configuration


57,When connecting a new switch to your network you can accidentally change your current VLAN database if the new switch has a higher VLAN Trunking Protocol(VTP) revision number. If the newly inserted switch has no VLANs configured and the revision number is higher and is configured as a VTP server, it will override the configuration of the other switches within the network, deleting all of the configured VLANs. To avoid this, you must clear the VTP revision number on the new switch. The easiest way is to change the VTP domain name to “something_else” and back to “your_VTP_domain” on the new switch. This sets the VTP revision number to 0 and you can connect the switch to the network without any problem


58,Which three items are configured in MST configuration submode?

a. region name

b. configuration revision number

c. VLAN instance map


59,This explains how IEEE reaches the default recommended value for max age:



60,By using STP UplinkFast, you can accelerate the choice of a new root port when a link or switch fails or when STP reconfigures itself. The root port transitions to the forwarding state immediately without going through the listening and learning states, as it would with normal STP procedures. UplinkFast also limits the brust of multicast traffic by reducing the max-update-rate parameter.


61,There are two ways to configure load sharing by using trunk ports: using STP port priorities or using STP path costs. If you configure load sharing using STP port priorities, both load-sharing links must be connected to the same switch. If you configure load sharing using STP path costs, each load-sharing link can be connected to the same switch or to two different switches


62,PortFast is being configured on switch TK1. What should you take into consideration when configuring a switch with PortFast?

It should not be enabled on ports with redundant links to another switch

It enables fast connectivity to be established on the access layer port to a booting workstation

  What should you take into consideration when configuring a switch with UplinkFast?

When enabled, it is enabled for the entire switch and all VLANs

When the primary root port uplink fails, another blocked uplink can be immediately brought up for use


63,Root guard is configured on a per-port basis, and does not allow the port to become a STP root port. This means that the port is always STP-designated. If there is a better BPDU received on this port, root guard will put the port into root-inconsistent STP state, rather than taking the BPDU into account and electing a new STP root. Root guard needs to be enabled on all ports where the root bridge should not appear. In a way one can configure a perimeter around part of network where STP root is allowed to be located


64, HSRP的工作原理


通过在设置了HSRP协议的路由器之间广播HSRP优先级,HSRP协议选出当前的主动路由器。当在预先设定的一段(Hold Time 缺省为10秒)时间内主动路由器不能发送hello消息,或者说HSRP检测不到主动路由器的hello消息时,将认为主动路由器有故障,这时HSRP会选择优先级最高的备用路由器变为主动路由器,同时将按HSRP优先级在配置了HSRP的路由器中再选择一台路由器作为新的备用路由器。








●Initial --表示路由器的HSRP还未运行,一般在配置第一台HSRP路由器时会显示此状态;



●Speaking and listening──路由器正在发送和监听hello消息;





二、工作原理  一个VRRP路由器有唯一的标识:VRID,范围为0-255。该路由器对外表现为唯一的虚拟MAC地址,地址的格式为00-00-5E-00-01-[VRID]。主控路由器负责对ARP请求用该MAC地址做应答。这样,无论如何切换,保证给终端设备的是唯一一致的IPMAC地址,减少了切换对终端设备的影响。 

VRRP控制报文只有一种:VRRP通告(advertisement)。它使用IP多播数据包进行封装,组地址为224.0.0.18,发布范围只限于同一局域网内。这保证了VRID在不同网络中可以重复使用。为了减少网络带宽消耗只有主控路由器才可以周期性的发送VRRP通告报文。备份路由器在连续三个通告间隔内收不到VRRP或收到优先级为0的通告后启动新的一轮VRRP选举。  在VRRP路由器组中,按优先级选举主控路由器,VRRP协议中优先级范围是0-255。若VRRP路由器的IP地址和虚拟路由器的接口IP地址相同,则称该虚拟路由器作VRRP组中的IP地址所有者;IP地址所有者自动具有最高优先级:255。优先级0一般用在IP地址所有者主动放弃主控者角色时使用。可配置的优先级范围为1-254

优先级的配置原则   : 可以依据链路的速度和成本、路由器性能和可靠性以及其它管理策略设定。主控路由器的选举中,高优先级的虚拟路由器获胜,因此,如果在VRRP组中有IP地址所有者,则它总是作为主控路由的角色出现。对于相同优先级的候选路由器,按照IP地址大小顺序选举。VRRP还提供了优先级抢占策略,如果配置了该策略,高优先级的备份路由器便会剥夺当前低优先级的主控路由器而成为新的主控路由器。  







65,A VRRP group has one master and one or more backup virtual routers


66,One switch is not able to form the standby state to reach the active state. This could be caused by missing HSRP hello messages. There are several possible causes for HSRP packets to get lost between the peers. The most common problems are Physical Layer Problems or excessive network traffic caused by spanning-tree issues.


67,Which type of scheme describes the default operation of Gateway Load Balancing Protocol(GLBP)?

Per host using a round robin scheme


68,Only routed interfaces that provide access to hosts can be configured for HSRP. These interfaces include:routed Ethernet, routed fast Ethernet, routed gigabit Ethernet, SVI and EtherChannel


69, HSRP is defined in RFC 2281

VRRP is defined in RFC 2338

IRDP is defined in RFC 1256


70,Which command would you enter if you had a Cisco 3550 switch, and you wanted to configure priority queuing on your gig0/1 interface?

a. under the global configuration, configure “priority-queue out”

b. under the global configuration, configure “interface priority-queue gig0/1”

c. under the interface gig0/1, configure “priority-queue out”

d. priority queuing is on by default



71,Which command would you enter on your Catalyst 2900XL switch if you wanted to enable an EtherChannel bundle?

Port group


72,Switch TK1 is a Catalyst 5000 switch. Which of the following set commands would you use to enable Fast EtherChannel on this switch?

Set port channel


73,Which of the following commands would you enter if you wanted to find out whether or not switch TK1 is capable of supporting EtherChannel?

a. show trunk

b. show interface

c. show port channel

d. show port capabilities



74,With VMPS(VLAN Management Policy Server),you can assign switch ports to VLANs dynamically, based on the source Media Access Control(MAC) address of the device connected to the port. When you move a host from a port or one switch in the network to a port on another switch in the network, the switch assigns the new port to the proper VLAN for that host dynamically.

When you enable VMPS, a MAC address-to-VLAN mapping database downloads from a Trivial File Transfer Protocol(TFTP) server and VMPS begins to accept client requests. If you reset or power cycle the switch, the VMPS database downloads from the TFTP server automatically and VMPS is re-enabled

VMPS opens a user datagram protocol(UDP) socket to communicate and listen to client requests. When the VMPS server receives a valid request from a client, it searches its database for a MAC address-to-VLAN mapping.


75,There are three QoS models namely, integrated services model, best effort model, and differentiated services model.

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