2005-10-17 17:25:58
当hot spare空闲的时候不能用来储存数据或者状态数据库的复制品
可以通过solaris系统控制台的方式或者命令行的方式来管理hot spares和hot spare pools
当I/O设备发生错误的时候,solaris卷管理器就在hot spare pool当中搜索hot spare组件来对发生故障的设备进行替换,被用来替换的hot spare组件必须满足它的大小和被替换组件的大小适中或者比被替换组件的大小大
当一个分区遭遇I/O错误的时候,它的状态显示为'Broken'.要修复这个错误,首先替换或者修复坏的分区,然后使用solaris系统控制台的工具或者命令metahs -e来将分区恢复到'Available'状态
the following table explains hot spare pool states and possible actions to take:
Available:the hot spares in the hot spare pool are running and ready to accept data. the hot spares are not currently being written to or read from
In-Use:this hot spare pool includes hot spares that are being used to replace failed slices in a redundant volume
Broken:a problem exists with a hot spare or hot spare pool. However, there is no immediate danger of losing data. This status is also displayed if all the hot spare are in use