2005-10-17 17:23:47
the following task map identifies the procedures that are needed to manage solaris volume manager soft partitions:
1,create soft partitions:use the solaris volume manager GUI or the metainit command to create soft partitions
2,check the status of soft partitions:use the solaris volume manager GUI or the metastat command to check the status of soft partitions
3,expand soft partitons:use the solaris volume manager GUI or the metattach command to expand soft partitions
4,remove soft partitions:use the solaris volume manager GUI or the metaclear command to remove soft partitions
创建soft partitions的步骤:
# metainit [ -s diskset ] soft-partition -p [-e] component size
其中-s diskset指示正在使用的disk set,如果没有-s参数,那么默认使用本地disk set
-p参数指示要配置的soft partitions
soft-partitions:指示soft partiton的名称,一般的名称格式是dnnn,其中nnn指示一个从0到8192的范围
component指示用来创建soft partition的磁盘,分区,或者逻辑卷
size指示soft partition的大小
# metainit d20 -p c1t3d0s2 4g
# metainit d7 -p -e c1t2d0 1G
维护soft partition的步骤:
# metastat soft-partition
扩展一个soft partition的步骤:
# metattach [ -s diskset ] soft-partition size
# mount /dev/md/dsk/d20 /home2
# metattach d20 10g
# growfs -M /home2 /dev/md/rdsk/d20
移除一个soft partition的步骤:
# metaclear [-s diskset] component
# metaclear [-s diskset] -r soft-partition
# metaclear [-s diskset] -p component