growfs:Expands a UFS file system in a nondestructive fashion
metaclear:Deletes active volumes and hot spare pools
metadb:Creates and deletes state database replicas
metadetach:Detaches a volume from a RAID-0 or RAID-1(mirror) volume, or a log device from atransactional volume
metadevadm:Checks device ID configuration
metahs:Manages hot spares and hot spare pools
metaimport:Import disk sets, including replicated disk sets into existing Solaris Volume Manager configurations that have device ID support in the disk set
metainit:Configures volumes
metaoffline:Places submirrors offline
metaonline:Places submirrors online
metaparam:Modifies volume parameters
metarecover:Recovers configuration information for soft partitions
metarename:Renames and exchanges volume names
metareplace:Replaces components in submirrors and RAID-5 volumes
metaroot:Sets up system files for mirroring the root (/) file system
metaset:Administers disk sets
metastat:Displays the status of volumes or hot spare pools
metasync:Resynchronizes volumes during reboot
metattach:Attaches a component to a RAID-0 or RAID-1 volume
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