2008-03-22 00:14:30
zo | 將游標所在處的折疊打開。open。 |
zc | 將游標所在處已打開的內容再度折疊起來。close。 |
zr | 將全文的所有折疊依層次通通打開。reduce。 |
zm | 將全文已打開的折疊依層次通通再折疊起來。more。 |
zR | 作用和 zr 同,但會打開含巢狀折疊(折疊中又還有折疊)的所有折疊。 |
zM | 作用和 zm 同,但對於巢狀折疊亦有作用。 |
zi | 這是個切換,是折疊與不折疊指令間的切換。 |
zn | 打開全文的所有折疊。fold none。 |
zN | 這是 zn 的相對指令,回復所有的折疊。 |
" Vim folding file " Language: Python " Author: Jorrit Wiersma (foldexpr), Max Ischenko (foldtext), Robert " Ames (line counts) " Last Change: 2005 Jul 14 " Version: 2.3 " Bug fix: Drexler Christopher, Tom Schumm, Geoff Gerrietts setlocal foldmethod=expr setlocal foldexpr=GetPythonFold(v:lnum) setlocal foldtext=PythonFoldText() function! PythonFoldText() let line = getline(v:foldstart) let nnum = nextnonblank(v:foldstart + 1) let nextline = getline(nnum) if nextline =~ '^\s\+"""$' let line = line . getline(nnum + 1) elseif nextline =~ '^\s\+"""' let line = line . ' ' . matchstr(nextline, '"""\zs.\{-}\ze\("""\)\?$') elseif nextline =~ '^\s\+"[^"]\+"$' let line = line . ' ' . matchstr(nextline, '"\zs.*\ze"') elseif nextline =~ '^\s\+pass\s*$' let line = line . ' pass' endif let size = 1 + v:foldend - v:foldstart if size < 10 let size = " " . size endif if size < 100 let size = " " . size endif if size < 1000 let size = " " . size endif return size . " lines: " . line endfunction function! GetPythonFold(lnum) " Determine folding level in Python source " let line = getline(a:lnum) let ind = indent(a:lnum) " Ignore blank lines if line =~ '^\s*$' return "=" endif " Ignore triple quoted strings if line =~ "(\"\"\"|''')" return "=" endif " Ignore continuation lines if line =~ '\\$' return '=' endif " Support markers if line =~ '{{{' return "a1" elseif line =~ '}}}' return "s1" endif " Classes and functions get their own folds if line =~ '^\s*\(class\|def\)\s' return ">" . (ind / &sw + 1) endif let pnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1) if pnum == 0 " Hit start of file return 0 endif " If the previous line has foldlevel zero, and we haven't increased " it, we should have foldlevel zero also if foldlevel(pnum) == 0 return 0 endif " The end of a fold is determined through a difference in indentation " between this line and the next. " So first look for next line let nnum = nextnonblank(a:lnum + 1) if nnum == 0 return "=" endif " First I check for some common cases where this algorithm would " otherwise fail. (This is all a hack) let nline = getline(nnum) if nline =~ '^\s*\(except\|else\|elif\)' return "=" endif " Python programmers love their readable code, so they're usually " going to have blank lines at the ends of functions or classes " If the next line isn't blank, we probably don't need to end a fold if nnum == a:lnum + 1 return "=" endif " If next line has less indentation we end a fold. " This ends folds that aren't there a lot of the time, and this sometimes " confuses vim. Luckily only rarely. let nind = indent(nnum) if nind < ind return "<" . (nind / &sw + 1) endif " If none of the above apply, keep the indentation return "=" endfunction |