1> set tracefile "d:/abc.txt"
2> go
1> set show_sqltext on
2> set statistics io on
3> go
1> select * from t123
2> go
id col2
Application Tracing report for spid 26 from application "isql"
run by login "sa" on host "SEAN-E6400"
Tracing started on 2013/02/07 05:15:34.48
2013/02/07 05:15:50.70
No useful sqltext available.
Total writes for this command: 0
End of Batch 4
2013/02/07 05:15:55.28
SQL Text: select * from t123
Table: t123 scan count 1, logical reads: (regular=1 apf=0 total=1), physical reads: (regular=0 apf=0 total=0), apf IOs used=0
Total writes for this command: 0
End of Batch 5
1. set show_sqltext
2. set showplan
3. set statistics io
4. set statistics time
5. set statistics plancost
set tracefile “” for 这是跟踪对应的连接的所有SQL语句
set tracefile ""只跟踪当前连接的所有SQL语句。
set tracefile on/off (启用或关闭)
当然,dbcc traceon(100) 也会输出一些跟踪的结果在服务器端。
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