Optimizing and monitoring the data flow in high-throughput sequencing facilities is important for data input and output, for tracking the status of results for the users of the facility, and to guarantee a good, high-quality service. In a multi-user system environment with different throughputs, each user wants to access his/her data easily, track his/her sequencing history, analyze sequences and their quality, and apply some basic post-sequencing analysis, without the necessity of installing further software. Recently, Fiocruz established such a core facility as a "technological platform". Infrastructure includes a 48-capillary 3730 DNA Sequence Analyzer (Applied Biosystems) and supporting equipment. The service includes running samples for large-scale users, performing DNA sequencing reactions and runs for medium and small users, and participation in partial or full genome projects. We implemented a workflow that fulfills these requirements for small and high throughput users. Our implementation also includes the monitoring of data for continuous quality improvement (reports by plate, month and user) by the sequencing staff. For the user, different analyses of the chromatograms, such as visualization of good quality regions, as well as processing, such as comparisons or assemblies, are available. So far, 180 users have made use of the service, generating 155,000 sequences, 35% of which were produced for the BCG Moreau-RJ genome project. The pipeline (named ChromaPipe for Chromatogram Pipeline) is available for download by the scientific community at the url . The support for assembly is also configured as a web service: .
优化及监控高通量测序设备的数据流对于数据输入和输出,跟踪设备使用者的结果状态及保证一个好的、高质量的服务都是很重要的。在一个有不同通量的多用户系统环境中,每个用户都希望在不需要另外按照其他软件基础上,能够容易的访问他的数据,跟踪他的测序历史,分析测序及它们的质量,并应用一些基本的测序后分析。目前,Fiocruz构建了这样一个核心设备作为一个“技术平台”。基本结构包括一个48-毛细管的3730 DNA序列分析仪器(Applied Biosystems)及支持设备。服务包括running samples for large-scale users, performing DNA 测序反应,对中小用户,参加部分或全部的基因组计划。我们实现了一个流程,可以满足小的和高通量用户的需要。我们的实现也包含了一个通过测序人员连续的质量提高(以plate,月和人为报告)的数据监控。对用户来说,色谱的不同分析,包括高质量区域的可视化,及处理,例如comparisons or assemblies都可用。目前为止,有180用户使用这个服务,155,000 次测序,35% of which were produced for the BCG Moreau-RJ genome project。下载:。网络服务:
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