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  • 博文数量: 97
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  • 博客等级: 少校
  • 技术积分: 1000
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  • 注册时间: 2007-03-19 20:00











分类: Python/Ruby

2007-03-21 17:10:46

已经是第三天了 。感觉真是不错。
渐渐的 有 点 感觉了 。每天看近4小时,还真有点累阿!
message=raw_input("Enter a message:")

for letter in message:
	if letter.lower() not in VOWELS:
		# make sure only lowercase letters when using "in" operator
		print "A new string has been created.", new_message
print "\nYour message without vowels is:", new_message

raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")



print "enter the beginning and ending index for your slice of 'pizza'"
print "press the enter key at 'begin' to exit."

begin=None                   # None is python's way of representing nothing
                                        # evaluates to false when treated as a condition
while begin != '':
	if begin:
		print "word[", begin, ":", end, "]\t\t",
		print word[begin:end]
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to exit.")



# treat the tuple as a condition
if not inventory:
	print "you are empty-handed."
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue.")

# create a tuple with some items
			"healing potion")
# you can write a tuple in one line
# or span it across multiple lines
# make your programs easier to read by creating tuples
# across multiple lines

# print the tuple
print "\nThe tuple inventory is:\n", inventory

# print each element in the tuple
print "\nYour items:"
for item in inventory:
	print item

raw_input("\nPress the enter key to exit.")


inventory = ("sword",
	      		"healing potion")
print " Your items : "
for item in inventory :
	print item
raw_input ( " \nPress the enter key to continue")

# get the length of the inventory
print " You have ", len(inventory), " items in your possesion."
raw_input ( " \nPress the enter key to continue")

# test for membership with in
if "healing potion" in inventory:
	print " You will live to fight another day."

# display one item through an index
index = int ( raw_input ( "\nEnter the index number for an item in inventory : "))
print "At index", index, "is", inventory[index]

# display a slice
begin = int ( raw_input (" \nEnter the index number to begin a slice: "))
end = int ( raw_input ("\nEnter the index number to end the slice:"))
print "inventory[", begin, " : " , end , "]\t\t",
print inventory [begin : end]

raw_input ( "\nPress the enter key to continue")

# concatenate two tuples
chest = ( "gold", "gems")
print  "You find a chest. It contains :"
print chest
print "You add the contents of the chest to your inventory"
print "Your inventory is now:"
print inventory

raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

import random
# create a sequence of words to choose from 
WORDS=( "python",
# use random.choice() to grab a random word form WORDS
# pick one word randomly from the sequence
word = random.choice(WORDS)
# this function generates strings in WORDS

# assign word to correct to see the player makes a correct guess
# create a variable to use later to see if the guess is correct
correct = word
# create a jumbled version of word
jumble =" "
while word:
	position = random.randrange(len(word))
	# create a new version of the string jumble
	word = word[: position] + word[ (position+1) :]
# star the game
print \
				Welcome to word Jumble!
		Unscramble the letters to make a word.
(press the enter key at the promt to quit.)
print " The jumble is:", jumble

# getting the player's guess
guess = raw_input("\nYour guess : ")
guess = guess.lower()
while (guess!=correct) and (guess!=" "):
	print "sorry, that's not it."
	guess=raw_input("Your guess:")
	guess = guess.lower()
if guess==correct:
	print "That's it! You guessed it!\n"
# end the game
print "Thanks for playing"
raw_input( "\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

inventory = [ "sword", "armor", "shield", "healing potion"]
print " Your items:"
for item in inventory:
	print item
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue.")

# get the length of a list
print "You have", len(inventory), "items in your inventory"
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue")

# test for membership with in
if "healing potion" in inventory:
	print "You will live to fight another day."

# display one item through an index
index=int(raw_input("\nEnter the index number for an item in inventory:"))
print "At index", index, "is", inventory[index]

# display a slice
begin=int(raw_input("\nEnter the index number to begin a slice:"))
end=int(raw_input("\nEnter the index number to end a slice:"))
print "inventory[", begin, ":", end, "]\t\t",
print inventory[begin:end]

# concatenate two lists
chest=["gold", "gems"]
print "You find a chest which contains:"
print chest
print "You add the contents of the chest to your inventory"
print "Your inventory is now:"
print inventory
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue")

# assign by index
print "You trade your sword for a crossbow"
print "Your inventory is now:"
print inventory
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue")

# assin by slice
print "You use your gold and gems to buy an orb of future telling."
inventory[4:6] =["orb of future telling"]
print "Your inventory is now:"
print inventory
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue")

# delete an element
print "In a great battle , your shield is destroyed."
del inventory[2]
print "Your inventory is now:"
print inventory
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to continue")

# delete a slice
print "Your crossbow and armor are stolen by thieves."
del inventory[:2]
print "Your inventory is now:"
print inventory
raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")


mike=["khakis", "dress shirt", "jacket"]
print "\na friend calls me Mike, I'm wearing",
print mike
print "\na dignitary calls me Mr Dawson, I'm wearing",
print mr_dawson
print "\nmy girlfirend calls me Honey, I'm wearing",
print honey
# all three variables, mike mr_dawson, and honey, 
# refer to the same, single list, representing me
# at least what i'm wearing

honey[2]="red sweater"
print "\nmy girlfirend asks me to change my jacket for a red sweater now, i'm wearing",
print honey
print "\nif a friend meets me, he calls me mike, and i'm wearing",
print mike
print "\nif a dignitary meets me, he calls me Mr Dawson, and i'm still wearing",
print mr_dawson

mike=["khakis", "dress shirt", "jacket"]
 # honey is assigned a copy of mike
 # honey doesnot refer to the same list
 # just as i was cloned
 # one at home with my girlfirend
 # one at my work place with my friend
honey[2]="red sweater"
print "\nat home a cloned me  is wearing",
print honey
print "\nbut at my work place, i'm still wearing",
print mike


scores =[92,92,87,90,85,93,96,95,98]
choice =None
while choice !="0":
	print \
	High Scores Keeper
	0	exit
	1	show scores
	2	add a score
	3	delete a score
	4	sort scores

	# exit
	if choice =="0":
		print "goodbye"
	# list high-score table
	elif choice=="1":
		print "high scores"
		for score in scores:
			print scores
	# add a scores
	elif choice=="2":
		score=int(raw_input("what score did you get?:"))
		print "your new scores are:", scores
	# delete a score
	elif choice =="3":
		score=int(raw_input("Delete which score?:"))
		if score in scores:
			print "Your new scores are:", scores
			print score, "isn't in the high scores list."
	# sort scores
	elif choice=="4":
		print "the scores in acending order  are:",scores
		scores.reverse()     # want the highest number first
		print " in reverse, the scores are:", scores
	# some unknow choice
		print "sorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice."
raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")


scores=[("A",1000),  ("D", 4000),("C", 3000) ,("E", 5000),("B",2000),]
print  scores

while choice!="0":
	print \
	High Scores Keeper
	0	quit
	1	list scores
	2	add a score

	# exit
	if choice=="0":
		print "Goodbye!"
	# display high-score table
	elif choice=="1":
		print "NAME\tSCORE"
		for entry in scores:
			print name, "\t", score 

	# add a score 
	elif choice=="2":
		name=raw_input("what is the player's name?:")
		score=int(raw_input("what score did the player get?:"))
		entry=( name,score)
		print "\nThe new scores are:",scores
		print "\nAscending order", scores
		print "\nDescending order",scores
		print "\nthe first FOUR",scores
	# some unknow choice
		print "sorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice"
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to ex it")


geek = { "404": "Clueless. From the web error message 404, meaning page not found.",
		"Googling": "Searching the Internet for background information on a person.",
		"Link Rot" : "The process by which web page links become obsolete.",
		"Keyboard Plaque": "The collection of debris found in computer keyboards.",
		"Percussive Maintenance": " The act of striking an electronic device to make it work.",
		"Uninstalled" : "Being fired. Especially popular during the dot-bomb era."}
print "the dictionary is:",geek

# using a key to retrieve a value
print "\nThe value of dictionary geek\'s key '404' is :",
print geek["404"]
print "\nThe value of geek\'s  key 'Link Rot' is:",
print geek["Link Rot"]
# dictionaries don't have position numbers at all

if "Dancing Baloney" in geek:
	print "\nI know what Dancing Baloney is."
	print "\nI have no idea what Dancing Baloney is."

print "\nAs 'Dancing Baloney' is not in geek, so when retrieve it ,you will get:",
print geek.get("Dancing Baloney", "i have no idea.")
print "\nAs '404' is in geek, so when you retrieve it, you will get:",
print geek.get("404")

while choice!="0":
	print \
	Geek Translator
	0	quit
	1	look up a geek term
	2	add a geek term
	3	redefine a geek term
	4	delete a geek term
	# exit
	if choice=="0":
		print "goodbye"
	# get a definition
	elif choice=="1":
		term=raw_input("what term do you want me to translate?")
		if term in geek:
			print "\n", term, "means", definition
			print "\nSorry, I don't know", term
	# add a term-definition pair
	elif choice=="2":
		term=raw_input("what term do you want me to add?:")
		if term not in geek:
			definition=raw_input("what's the definition?:")
			print "\n", term, "has been added."
			print "\nNow the new geek is :", geek
			print  "\nThat term already exists! Try redefining it."
	# redefine an existing term
	elif choice=="3":
		term=raw_input("what term do you want me to redefine?:")
		if term in geek:
			definition=raw_input("what's the new definition?:")
			print "\n", term, "has been redefined"
			print geek
			print "\nThat term doesn't exist! Try adding it."
	# delete a term-definition pair
	elif choice=="4":
		term=raw_input("what term do you want me to delete?:")
		if term in geek:
			del geek[term]
			print "\nOK, I deleted", term
			print "\nI can't do that!", term, "doesn't exist in the dictionary."
	# some unknow choice
		print "\nSorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice."
raw_input("\nPress the enter key to exit.")


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