分类: Python/Ruby
2012-11-26 15:36:22
1. 对外部的调用封装
1. LOG.debug("Calling external system:" + parameters); 2. Object result = null; 3. try { 4. result = callRemoteSystem(params); 5. LOG.debug("Called successfully. result is " + result); 6. } catch (Exception e) { 7. LOG.warn("Failed at calling xxx system . exception : " + e); 8. }2.状态变化
1. boolean isRunning; 2. 3. isRunning = true; 4. LOG.info("System is running"); 5. 6. //... 7. 8. isRunning = false; 9. LOG.info("System was interrupted by " + Thread.currentThread().getName());3.系统入口与出口:
1. void execute(Object input) { 2. LOG.debug("Invoke parames : " + input); 3. Object result = null; 4. 5. //business logic 6. 7. LOG.debug("Method result : " + result); 8. }4.业务异常:
1. try { 2. //business logical 3. } catch (IOException e) { 4. LOG.warn("Description xxx" , e); 5. } catch (Busines***ception e) { 6. LOG.warn("Let me know anything"); 7. } catch (Exception e) { 8. LOG.error("Description xxx", e); 9. } 10.5.非预期执行:
1. int myValue = xxxx; 2. int absResult = Math.abs(myValue); 3. if (absResult < 0) { 4. LOG.info("Original int " + myValue + "has nagetive abs " + absResult); 5. }6.很少出现的else情况:
1. Object result = null; 2. if (running) { 3. result = xxx; 4. } else { 5. result = yyy; 6. LOG.debug("System does not running, we change the final result"); 7. } 程序运行状态可以记哪些?程序在运行时就像一个机器人,我们可以从它的日志看出它正在做什么,是不是按预期的设计在做,所以这些正常的运行状态是要有的。
1. 程序运行时间:
1. long startTime = System.currentTime(); 2. 3. // business logical 4. 5. LOG.info("execution cost : " + (System.currentTime() - startTime) + "ms");2. 大批量数据的执行进度:
1. LOG.debug("current progress: " + (currentPos * 100 / totalAmount) + "%");3.关键变量及正在做哪些重要的事情:
1. String getJVMPid() { 2. String pid = ""; 3. // Obtains JVM process ID 4. LOG.info("JVM pid is " + pid); 5. return pid; 6. } 7. 8. void invokeRemoteMethod(Object params) { 9. LOG.info("Calling remote method : " + params); 10. //Calling remote server 11. } 应该避免怎样的日志方式?1. 混淆信息的Log
日志应该是清晰准确的: 当看到日志的时候,你知道是因为连接池取不到连接导致的问题么?
1. Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.getConnection(); 2. if (connection == null) { 3. LOG.warn("System initialized unsuccessfully"); 4. }2. 记错位置
1. } catch (ConfigurationException e) { 2. e.printStackTrace(); 3. }3. 记错级别
1. LOG.warn("Failed to login by "+username+");4. 遗漏信息
这里可能包含两种情况:(1)用户自己少写了信息,导致毫无参考价值;(2)用户调用log的方式导致丢失信息,如下例,没有stack trace.
1. } catch (Exception ex) { 2. log.error(ex); 3. } 总结:日志记录在程序员日常编程实践中必须面对的事情,本文针对这个话题谈了下自己的体会,希望读者能有所收益。多有不足,请多包涵。