# Hyper Lau
# http://heidern.cublog.cn
# unix_time.pl
#Create Date:
# Wed 17 Nov 2010 04:42:07 PM CST
use strict; use warnings; use Time::Local; $|=1; my $old_date_Y='2010'; my $old_date_M='09'; my $old_date_D='20'; # when you want to convert time to unixstamp,don't add 1 to month!!
my $old_date_unix=timelocal(0,0,0,$old_date_D,$old_date_M-1,$old_date_Y); my $old_date=$old_date_Y.$old_date_M.$old_date_D; my ($now_date_Y,$now_date_M,$now_date_D)=get_now_date(); my $now_date=$now_date_Y.$now_date_M.$now_date_D; my $now_date_unix=get_now_date_unix(); while ($old_date_unix <= $now_date_unix) { print "now date is $now_date , unixstamp is $now_date_unix\n"; print "old date is $old_date , unixstamp is $old_date_unix\n"; print "processing ".get_time($old_date_unix)." data...\n"; <STDIN>; print "process ok! \n"; $old_date_unix+=86400; } print "===========ALL PROCESSED!!===========\n";
sub get_time { # in unixstamp
# out "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS"
my ($time)=@_; $time=time until (defined($time)); my @time_format = (localtime($time))[5,4,3,2,1,0]; $time_format[0] += 1900; $time_format[1] += 1; foreach $_(@time_format) { $_ = sprintf("%02d", $_); } my $cur_time = "$time_format[0]-$time_format[1]-$time_format[2] $time_format[3]:$time_format[4]:$time_format[5]"; return($cur_time); } sub get_now_date { # in normal
# out now date(YYYY-MM-DD)
my @time_format = (localtime())[5,4,3]; $time_format[0] += 1900; $time_format[1] += 1; foreach $_(@time_format) { $_ = sprintf("%02d", $_); } return($time_format[0],$time_format[1],$time_format[2]); } sub get_now_date_unix { # in normal
#out unixstamp of now date(YYYY,MM,DD)
my @time_format = (localtime())[5,4,3]; $time_format[0] += 1900; # WARNING!! when you want to convert time to unixstamp,don't add 1 to month!!
# $time_format[1] += 1;
foreach $_(@time_format) { $_ = sprintf("%02d", $_); } my $cur_date_unix=timelocal(0,0,0,$time_format[2],$time_format[1],$time_format[0]); return($cur_date_unix); }