15.4 The module Function
Probably you noticed the repetitions of code in our previous examples. All of them started with this same pattern:
local modname = ...
local M = {}
_G[modname] = M
package.loaded[modname] = M
setfenv(1, M)
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Lua 5.1 provides a new function, called module, that packs this functionality. Instead of this previous setup code, we can start a module simply like this:
Lua 5.1提供一个新函数,叫做module,包装了这个功能。不用以前的配置代码,我们可像这样开始一个模块:
This call creates a new table, assigns it to the appropriate global variable and to the loaded table, and then sets the table as the environment of the main chunk.
By default, module does not provide external access: before calling it, you must declare appropriate local variables with the external functions or modules you want to access. You can also use inheritance for external access adding the option package.seeall to the call to module. This option does the equivalent of the following code:
setmetatable(M, {__index = _G})
Therefore, simply adding the statement
module(..., package.seeall)
in the beginning of a file turns it into a module; you can write everything else like regular Lua code. You need to qualify neither module names nor external names. You do not need to write the module name (actually, you do not even need to know the module name). You do not need to worry about returning the module table. All you have to do is to add that single statement.
The module function provides some extra facilities. Most modules do not need these facilities, but some distributions need some special treatment (e.g., to create a module that contains both C functions and Lua functions). Before creating the module table, module checks whether package.loaded already contains a table for this module, or whether a variable with the given name already exists. If it finds a table in one of these places, module reuses this table for the module; this means we can use module for reopening a module already created. If the module does not exist yet, then module creates the module table. After that, it populates the table with some predefined variables: _M contains the module table itself (it is an equivalent of _G); _NAME contains the module name (the first argument passed to module); and _PACKAGE contains the package name (the name without the last component; see next section).
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