15.1 The require Function
Lua offers a high-level function to load modules, called require. This function tries to keep to a minimum its assumptions about what a module is. For require, a module is just any chunk of code that defines some values (such as functions or tables containing functions).
To load a module, we simply call require "modname". Typically, this call returns a table comprising the module functions, and it also defines a global variable containing this table. However, these actions are done by the module, not by require, so some modules may choose to return other values or to have different side effects.
要加载模块,我们只需调用require "modname"。典型地,该调用返回一个由模块函数组成的表,它也定义了一个包含该表的全局变量。但是,这些动作是模块而非require做的,所以某些模块选择返回其他值或具有不同的副作用。
It is a good programming practice always to require the modules you need, even if you know that they would be already loaded. You may exclude the standard libraries from this rule, because they are pre-loaded in Lua. Nevertheless, some people prefer to use an explicit require even for them:
local m = require "io"
m.write("hello world\n")
Listing 15.1 details the behavior of require. Its first step is to check in table package.loaded whether the module is already loaded. If so, require returns its corresponding value. Therefore, once a module is loaded, other calls to require simply return the same value, without loading the module again.
If the module is not loaded yet, require tries to find a loader for this module. (This step is illustrated by the abstract function findloader in Listing 15.1.) Its first attempt is to query the given library name in table package.preload. If it finds a function there, it uses this function as the module loader. This preload table provides a generic method to handle some non-conventional situations (e.g., C libraries statically linked to Lua). Usually, this table does not have an entry for the module, so require will search first for a Lua file and then for a C library to load the module from.
If require finds a Lua file for the given module, it loads it with loadfile; otherwise, if it finds a C library, it loads it with loadlib. Remember that both
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Listing 15.1. The require function:
清单 15.1。require函数:
function require (name)
if not package.loaded[name] then -- module not loaded yet? 模块还没载入?
local loader = findloader(name)
if loader == nil then
error("unable to load module " .. name)
package.loaded[name] = true -- mark module as loaded 标记模块为已载入
local res = loader(name) -- initialize module 初始化模块
if res ~= nil then
package.loaded[name] = res
return package.loaded[name]
loadfile and loadlib only load some code, without running it. To run the code, require calls it with a single argument, the module name. If the loader returns any value, require returns this value and stores it in table package.loaded to return the same value in future calls for this same library. If the loader returns no value, requirereturns whatever value is in table package.loaded. As we will see later in this chapter, a module can put the value to be returned by require directly into package.loaded.
An important detail of that previous code is that, before calling the loader, require marks the module as already loaded, assigning true to the respective field in package.loaded. Therefore, if the module requires another module and that in turn recursively requires the original module, this last call to require returns immediately, avoiding an infinite loop.
To force require into loading the same library twice, we simply erase the library entry from package.loaded. For instance, after a successful require "foo", package.loaded["foo"] will not be nil. The following code will load the library again:
要迫使require加载同一个库两次,只需要从package.loaded中擦除库条目。例如,在成功地require "foo"之后,package.loaded["foo"]经不会为nil。下面的代码将再次加载库:
package.loaded["foo"] = nil
require "foo"
When searching for a file, require uses a path that is a little different from typical paths. The path used by most programs is a list of directories wherein to search for a given file. However, ANSI C (the abstract platform where Lua runs) does not have the concept of directories. Therefore, the path used by require is a list of patterns, each of them specifying an alternative way to transform a module name (the argument to require) into a file name. More specifically, each component in the path is a file name containing optional question marks. For each component, require replaces the module name for each '?' and checks whether there is a file with the resulting name; if not, it goes to the next
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component. The components in a path are separated by semicolons (a character seldom used for file names in most operating systems). For instance, if the path is
当搜索一个文件时,require使用与典型路径有些不同的路径。多数程序用的路径是个目录列表,在其中搜索给定的文件。但是,ANSI C(Lua运行于其中的抽象平台)没有目录的概念。因此,require用的路径是个模式列表,它们中的每个都规定了一个可选的路径来把模块名(require的参数)转化为文件名。对于每个组件,require把每个'?'都替换为模块名并检查合成的名字是否文件;如果不是,就转到下一个组件。路径中的组件由分号(在多数操作系统中都极少被用作文件名的字符)分隔。例如,如果路径是
then the call require "sql" will try to open the following files:
则对require "sql"的调用将试图打开下列文件:
The require function assumes only the semicolon (as the component separator) and the question mark; everything else, such as directory separators or file extensions, is defined by the path itself.
The path that require uses to search for Lua files is always the current value of the variable package.path. When Lua starts, it initializes this variable with the value of the environment variable LUA_PATH or with a compiled-defined default path, if this environment variable is not defined. When using LUA_PATH, Lua substitutes the default path for any substring ";;". For instance, if you set LUA_PATH to "mydir/?.lua;;", the final path will be the component "mydir/?.lua" followed by the default path.
If require cannot find a Lua file compatible with the module name, it looks for a C library. For this search, it gets the path from variable package.cpath (instead of package.path). This variable gets its initial value from the environment variable LUA_CPATH (instead of LUA_PATH). A typical value for this variable in Unix is like this:
Note that the file extension is defined by the path (e.g., the previous example uses .so for all templates). In Windows, a typical path is more like this one:
.\?.dll;C:\Program Files\Lua501\dll\?.dll
Once it finds a C library, require loads it with package.loadlib, which we discussed in Section 8.2. Unlike Lua chunks, C libraries do not define one single main function. Instead, they can export several C functions. Well-behaved C libraries should export one function called luaopen_modname, which is the function that require tries to call after linking the library. In Section 26.2 we will discuss how to write C libraries.
Usually, we use modules with their original names, but sometimes we must rename a module to avoid name clashes. A typical situation is when we need to load different versions of the same module, for instance for testing. For a Lua module, either it does not have its name fixed internally (as we will see later) or we can easily edit it to change its name. But we cannot edit a binary module to correct the name of its luaopen_* function. To allow for such renamings, require uses a small trick: if the module name contains a hyphen, require
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strips from the name its prefix up to the hyphen when creating the luaopen_* function name. For instance, if a module is named a-b, require expects its open function to be named luaopen_b, instead of luaopen_a-b (which would not be a valid C name anyway). So, if we need to use two modules named mod, we can rename one of them to v1-mod (or -mod, or anything like that). When we call m1=require "v1-mod", require will find both the renamed file v1-mod and, inside this file, the function with the original name luaopen_mod.
通常,我们以模块的原始名字来使用它们,但有时候必须重命名模块以避免命名冲突。典型的情况是当我们需要加载同一模块的不同版本时,比如为了测试。对于Lua模块,要么它不把名字固化在内部(如同我们稍后将看到的),要么我们能轻易地编辑它改变名字。但是我们不能编辑二进制模块来改正其luaopen_*函数的名字。为了允许这种重命名,require用了一个小技巧:如果模块名含有连字符,require在创建函数名luaopen_*时会从名字中剥去直到连字符的前缀。例如,如果模块名为a-b,require期望其打开函数名为luaopen_b,而不是luaopen_a-b(无论如何它也不是有效的C命名)。所以,如果我们需要使用两个名为mod的模块,可以重命名其中一个为v1-mod(或-mod,或类似那个的任何东西)。当我们调用m1=require "v1-mod"时,require将会找到更名的文件v1-mod,而且也能用原始名字luaopen_mod找到该文件内的函数。
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