2011-07-19 16:51:12
这篇文章教你如何使用虚拟接口(Virtual interfaces)广播多个WLAN的SSID。你可以为每一个WLAN设置不同的密码,并且可以限制它们要访问的网络。你同样可以桥接一个VLAN或VPN隧道接口到虚拟无线接口。
注: Virtual Access Points (VAP's) 和VLAN's是完全不同的技术,应该非常小心不要混淆两者。如果谈及虚拟无线接口,则称之为VAP;如果变谈及Ethernet VLAN,则称之为VLAN;如果你桥接它们,则称之为桥接VAP和VLAN.
As with all configuration changes, it is best to connect your router with an Ethernet cable so that you do not get disconnected or locked out of your router while configuring it. If you wish to bridge a VLAN or other interface to the virtual wireless interface, then see other guides on how to set up those interfaces, this guide will just tell you how to bridge it.
如果路由器被配置为WAP(WAN is disable),那么你必须设置网关(gateway)和本地DNS(Local DNS),这一点同时适用于那些被桥接到一个可以为它们进行路由的Router的WDS client结点(不是主WDS结点),Keep your eye out for the places this guide gives alternative instructions for WAP's.
在开始之前,阅读关于建立网桥时会产生的一个小bug: 和该Bug的一个解决方法 :.