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2011-07-08 14:24:45

    标准的无线网桥即Client Bridge连接有线客户到另一个路由器(客户机通过电缆连接到第二路由器,第二路由器与主路由器之间建立网桥,这样客户机也连接到主路由器),就好像是通过电缆把这些计算机连接到主路由器。Secondary clients share the bandwidth of a wireless connection back to your main router.Of course, you can still connect clients to your main router using either a cable connection or a wireless connection.
    庆幸的是,DD-WRT V24固件支持一种新的模式:Repeater Bridge。它同时允许计算机通过有线和无线的方式连接到第二路由器(Bridge Router).
To enable bridge mode between two routers, the primary router must be in AP mode (default) with DHCP Server enabled. The secondary router running DD-WRT v24 will be configured as the Repeater Bridge.
  1. Restore Factory Defaults on Secondary (DD-WRT) Router
  2. Do a proper HARD 30-30-30 Reset on the router.
  3. Set your computer to a static IP of
  4. Connect to the secondary router via wired or wireless client keeping in mind the dd-wrt default settings for dhcp pool and ssid
  5. Open the Wireless -> Basic Settings tab
    • Physical Interface Section
      • Wireless Mode : Repeater Bridge
      • Wireless Network Mode : Must Match Primary Router
      • Wireless Network Name(SSID) : Must Match Primary Router - Make sure you spell this correctly
      • Wireless Channel : Must Match Primary Router (This will disappear once you put it in RB mode, and isn't needed)
      • Wireless SSID Broadcast : Enable
      • Network Configuration : Bridged
      • Save
    • Virtual Interfaces Section
      • Add
      • Wireless Network Name(SSID) : Different from Primary Router
        • [NOTE] - You CAN try using the same SSID but many have had random disconnects and/or no connection if the SSID's are the same. If using the same ssid doesn't work for you, use a different ssid from the primary router
      • Wireless SSID Broadcast : Enable
      • AP Isolation : Disable
      • Network Configuration : Bridged
      • Save
  6. Open the Wireless -> Wireless Security tab
    • Physical Interface Section
      • Security Mode : Must Match Primary Router and DD-wrt only works reliably with WEP or WPA2-AES
      • WPA Algorithms : Must Match Primary Router
      • WPA Shared Key : Must Match Primary Router
      • Key Renewal Interval (in seconds) : Leave default
    • Virtual Interfaces Section (note if you don't see this section your firmware should be atleast v24-sp2)
      • Security Mode : Must Match Physical Interface
      • WPA Algorithms : Must Match Physical Interface
      • WPA Shared Key : Must Match Physical Interface
      • Key Renewal Interval (in seconds) : Leave default
      • Save
  7. Open the Setup -> Basic Setup tab
    • Connection Type will be: Disabled
    • Set STP for Disabled (Enabled sometimes can cause connection problems)
    • IP Address : (Assuming Primary Router IP is
    • Mask :
    • Gateway: (again assuming Primary Router IP is
    • DHCP Server: Disable
    • Local DNS: (if IP of Primary Router is
    • Assign WAN Port to Switch : Optionally enable this to use the WAN port as another LAN port.
    • Save
  8. Open Setup -> Advanced Routing tab
    • Set Operating mode to "Router"
    • Save
  9. Open Services
    • Disable Dnsmasq
    • Save
  10. Open the Security -> Firewall tab
    • Uncheck all boxes...except Filter Multicast
    • Disable SPI firewall
    • APPLY Settings
  11. Reboot the router.
  12. Once you have it working, go to the wireless security tab, and set the same type of security AND key for both the primary and the repeater ssids and hit apply.

You should now be able to connect wired clients and wireless clients to the newly configured Secondary router . They will receive IP Addresses from the Primary Router and will be able to use the Internet connection supplied by the Primary Router.


    Encryption type and key must be the same on both the primary and secondary router.


In fact, you must use a 63 characters passphrase instead of using the 64 digits one.

At least using the Broadcom as a Repeater Bridge and an SMC with its own firmware as the main AP. 至少必须使用Broadcom作为Repeater Bridge,使用具有自身固件的SMC作为主AP

If you see that your repeater bridge is connected but, using telnet on it, you can't ping to the main AP, try this. (Other issue could be having lots of error paquets on TX, but the other ones are on 0). 当Repeater Bridge成功连上主AP,但Ping不通主AP时,尝试上述的改动。

Edited by Ralf:我成功在两个DIR-615设置了Repeater Bridge.所有的功能都正常,除了不能够Ping通URL地址且NTP无法工作。我找到了问题的原因是因为没有路由表,于是我在“SETUP ADVANCED ROUTING ”下作了如下的设置:

Operating Mode Router
Dynamic Routing
Interface LAN&WLAN
Static Routing
Select set number 1(default)
Route Name default
Metric 0
Destination LAN NET
Subnet Mask
Gateway (Adress 1.Router)
Interface LAN&WLAN

Wireless Clients cannot connect to Repeater

Disable security and try again. Delete and re-create your profile on the wireless computer. Check to make sure you have set security properly and that the key you used matches the key in the primary router. If one security type doesn't work try another on all routers. eg. try WEP, WPA, and WPA2-AES


Open the Set-up -> Advanced Routing tab and change the mode to "router" instead of "gateway".

Wireless Clients have no Internet

Make sure you have a gateway specified in the repeater bridge router, and that the address there is the primary router

No packets making it accross the bridge - "Auto" channel setting

    Are you using the "auto" setting under Wireless -> Basic Settings - Wireless Channel? Try setting this to a fixed channel.  If this still dosn't fix it, try setting up the bridge with security disabled, then re-enable it once its working.


(tested on WRT54G v3 on v24 sp2 10/10/09 standard build)


1. 必须首先在“ basic settings”中 设置WRT54G的IP地址与,子网掩码等,使得它与主路由的IP地址不同,但位于同一子网。

2. 确认勾选了"assign WAN port to switch" 并按下apply settings ,或者 internet may not work off the repeater.


如果没有设置副路由的IP与主路由不同就进行无线网桥的设置,那么副路由的反应会非常慢,此时HARD Reset可以修复这个问题。 

  最后,一旦且只能在连接到主AP之后,进入Setup > Advanced routing tab ,

 change the setting from Gateway to Router.
 Then enable dynamic routing for both Lan & Wlan and apply your settings.

I advise using a wired connection as it verifies the connection to the host AP best, then you can test wireless capability. Mine worked beautifully with WPA2 encryption and SSID's being the same.

Make sure that you click save, not apply between each step, as when you click apply, you will activate all changes, which may make accessing the router difficult.



Set you wlan to client_bridge
connect to host AP
Add virtual interface and set it as AP




为了使第二路由器及其客户能够真正完全访问主路由,必须为它们都设置所有的安全选项,包括MAC Filtering.
当为主AP与Repeater Bridge设置WEP、WAP等时,必须先设置主AP,再设置Repeater Bridge.当在Repeater中设置后security后,按save;接着打开“ administration ”选项卡,拉到最下,按“Apply”.然后 Power Cycle副路由两次,以使Repeater Bridge与主 AP进行同步。然后在主AP的Status-->wireless选项卡下查看Repeater Bridge与主AP的连接状态,如果正常连接,会出现以百分比显示的信号质量值。

MAC Filtering

如果在主路由中启用了MAC Filtering,那么必须把副路由的MAC地址增加到允许访问的MAC列表之中,这里的MAC地址并不是印刷在机器外壳上的MAC地址,而是Status->Wireless 中显示的内部MAC地址。当然在副路由也要启用MAC Filtering并把主路由的内部MAC地址加进去。这一步设置必须先于Security设置。

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