2009-12-09 12:13:07
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # remove mailboxes that havent been pop'd in 3 months, # or that have never been pop'd, but created a month ago # except if there is a .qmail inside the mailbox (we # previously moved the .qmail to ../.qmail-user, but dont # do that anymore for the per-user spam preferences) # Copyright 2008 Jeremy Kister. use Getopt::Std; my ($y,$m,$d) = (localtime())[5,4,3]; $y += 1900; $m++; my $mon = sprintf('%.2d', $m); my $day = sprintf('%.2d', $d); my $date = $y . $mon . $day; my(%dir,%nuked); opendir(D, '/var/qmail/queue/mess/') || die "cannot opendir queue/mess: $!\n"; my @subdirs = (grep {!/^\./} readdir D); # conf-split closedir D; # trim log, my @log; if(open(LOG, "/export/home/misc_logs/nukedboxes")){ while(){ push @log, $_; } close LOG; my $i=1; open(LOG, ">/export/home/misc_logs/nukedboxes.tmp") || die "cannot write to nukedboxes.tmp: $!\n"; foreach my $line (reverse @log){ print LOG $line; last if($i == 10000); $i++; } close LOG; rename("/export/home/misc_logs/nukedboxes.tmp","/export/home/misc_logs/nukedboxes") || die "cannot rename tmp: $!\n"; } ## end trim log open(LOG, ">>/export/home/misc_logs/nukedboxes") || die "cannot open nukedboxes for append: $!\n"; getopts('v'); my $monthago = ($^T - 2592000); my $threemonthago = ($^T - 7776000); my ($vuid,$vgid,$vpopdir) = (getpwnam('vpopmail'))[2,3,7]; die "could not get properties of vpopmail user\n" unless(($vuid =~ /^\d+$/) && ($vgid =~ /^\d+$/)); print "building domains list...\n"; open(A, '/var/qmail/users/assign') || die "cannot open assign file: $!\n"; while(){ if(/^\+[^:]+-:([^:]+):\d+:\d+:([^:]+):-::/){ next if($1 eq 'graves.com' || $1 eq 'lists.broadviewnet.net'); if((-f "$2/vpasswd") && (! -l $2)){ $paths{$1} = $2; } } } close A; while(my($domain,$dir) = each %paths){ print "working on $domain\n"; open(V, "$dir/vpasswd") || warn "cannot open $dir/vpasswd: $!\n"; # prolly permission prob while( ){ if(/^([^:]+):[^:]*:\d+:\d+:[^:]*:([^:]+):/){ # crypt may be empty for auto-fill passwd $mailbox = $1; $maildir = $2; next if((stat(${maildir}))[9] > $monthago); # if mailbox is newly created my $secondsago = (stat("$maildir/lastauth"))[9]; if($threemonthago > $secondsago){ print "removing mail for ${mailbox}\@${domain} ($secondsago)\n" if($opt_v); print LOG "[${date}]: removing mail for ${mailbox}\@${domain} ($secondsago)\n"; if($mailbox eq 'postmaster'){ unless(-f "${dir}/.qmail-postmaster"){ if(open(Q, ">${dir}/.qmail-postmaster")){ print Q "#\n"; close Q; }else{ warn "could not open $dir/.qmail-postmaster for writing: $!\n"; } } my $n=0; foreach my $place ('new','cur'){ if(opendir(D, "${maildir}/Maildir/${place}/")){ foreach my $file (grep {!/^\./} readdir D){ unlink("${maildir}/Maildir/${place}/${file}") || warn "cant unlink $file: $!\n"; $n++; } closedir D; } } if($n > 0){ print "removed $n messages from postmaster\@${domain}\n" if($opt_v); print LOG "[${date}]: removed $n messages from postmaster\@${domain}\n"; } }else{ if(-f "${maildir}/.qmail"){ # forward exists - just nuke Maildir, and re-create print "forward found, nuking Maildir..\n" if($opt_v); print LOG "[${date}]: forward found, nuking Maildir..\n"; die "will not remove ${maildir}\n" if(($maildir =~ /\.\./) || ($maildir =~ /\.\//) || ($maildir =~ /\;/)); die "will not remove ${maildir}\n" unless($maildir =~ /\/vpopmail\/domains\//); system("rm -rf ${maildir}/Maildir/"); # gulp mkdir("${maildir}/Maildir/",0700) || die "could not create $maildir/Maildir/: $!\n"; chown(${vuid},${vgid},"${maildir}/Maildir") || warn "could not chown $maildir/Maildir: $!\n"; foreach my $newdir ('tmp','new','cur'){ mkdir("${maildir}/Maildir/${newdir}",0700) || warn "could not create $maildir/Maildir/$newdir: $!\n"; chown(${vuid},${vgid},"${maildir}/Maildir/${newdir}") || warn "could not chown $maildir/Maildir/$newdir: $!\n"; } }else{ print "vdeluser ${mailbox}\@${domain}..\n" if($opt_v); print LOG "[${date}]: vdeluser ${mailbox}\@${domain}..\n"; system("${vpopdir}/bin/vdeluser ${mailbox}\@${domain}"); } } } } } close V; }