2009-12-09 12:06:33
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # set tabstop=4 of course # use Date::Manip; use Getopt::Std; our($opt_t,$opt_d,$opt_e,$opt_h); getopts ('t:deh'); # t = throughput # d = disk space # e = email results # h = help syntax() if($opt_h); syntax() unless($opt_t || $opt_d); if($opt_t){ if($opt_t eq "monthly"){ $period = ParseDate('last month'); }elsif($opt_t eq "weekly"){ $period = ParseDate('last week'); }elsif($opt_t eq "daily"){ $period = ParseDate('24 hours ago'); }else{ print "syntax error\n"; syntax(); } $period =~ /(^\d{8})(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/; $days=$1; $time=$2; } opendir(D, "/home/hostedsites/") || die "cannot opendir: $!\n"; @subdirs = grep {/^www\./} readdir D; closedir D; foreach my $subdir (@subdirs){ my $total=0; if($opt_t){ opendir(S, "/home/hostedsites/$subdir/logs/") || die "cannot opendir logs: $!\n"; foreach my $file (grep {!/^\./} readdir S){ if($file >= $days){ open(F, "/home/hostedsites/$subdir/logs/$file") || die "cannot open log: $!\n"; while(){ if(($file eq $days) && /\[.+:(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/){ $logtime=$1; $flag = Date_Cmp($time,$logtime); if($flag > 0){ next; } } $size = (split /\s+/)[9]; # bytes of served file (not incl overhead) if($size > 0){ $total += $size; }else{ $total += 10; # account for overhead, etc } } close F; } } closedir S; $bbits = ($total*8); if($bbits >= 1073741824){ $throughput = sprintf("%.2f",($bbits/1073741824)) . " gigabits"; }elsif($bbits >= 1048576){ $throughput = sprintf("%.2f",($bbits/1048576)) . " megabits"; }elsif($bbits >= 1024){ $throughput = sprintf("%.2f",($bbits/1024)) . " kilobits"; }else{ $throughput = $bbits . " bits"; } } if($opt_d){ ($skbytes)=split(/\s+/, `du -s -k /home/hostedsites/$subdir/`); if($skbytes >= 1048576){ $storage = sprintf("%.2f",($skbytes/1048576)) . " GigaBytes"; }elsif($skbytes >= 1024){ $storage = sprintf("%.2f",($skbytes/1024)) . " MegaBytes"; }else{ $storage = $skbytes . " KiloBytes"; } } if(defined($opt_d) && defined($opt_t)){ push @array, "$subdir,$throughput,$storage"; }elsif(defined($opt_d)){ push @array, "$subdir,$storage"; }elsif(defined($opt_t)){ push @array, "$subdir,$throughput"; }else{ print "syntax error\n"; syntax(); } } if($opt_e){ $boundary="asfsdf2asdsdias4fJK"; open(S, "| /usr/lib/sendmail -t") || die "cannot fork sendmail: $!\n"; print S "From: Webserver \n", "To: SysOp \n", "Subject: WebSite Utilizations\n", "Mime-Version: 1.0\n", "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"\n", "Content-Disposition: inline\n", "\n", "--$boundary\n", "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n", "Content-Disposition: inline\n", "\n", "Enclosed is website-util.csv - double click the attachment to view utilizations in Excel.\n", "showing utilization between $period and " . `date "+%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"`, "\n", "--$boundary\n", "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n", "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"website-util.csv\"\n", "\n"; foreach(@array){ print S "$_\n"; } print S "--$boundary--\n"; close S; }else{ print "showing stats between $period and " . `date "+%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"`; foreach(@array){ print "$_\n"; } } sub syntax { die "syntax: webutil.pl [-t daily|weekly|monthly] [-d] [-e] [-h]\n", "where: -t calculate throughput over this period (daily, weekly, or monthly)\n", " -d calculate disk usage\n", " -e email results\n", " -h this help screen\n"; }