2009-12-09 11:55:45
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 by Jeremy Kister # Author: Jeremy Kister# Date: 20031030 03:48 (EDT) # Function: run a manual check on [vpopmail] mail quotas # version 1.42 # may specify -e for an email report # may specify -f to save a csv file # may specify -v for verbose # may specify -q for static bytes quota (dont listen to quota in vpasswd files) # may specify -n for static number of files quota # may sepcify -m to check that the mx record(s) match this regex - will be case insensitive # ie: [abcd]\.mx\.example\.net # doesnt work very well yet -- this feature is in development # example syntax: mailquota.pl -e user@example.com -f /tmp/mailquota.csv -v -q 104857600 -n 2000 # will: # send report to user@example.com # save report in /tmp/mailquota.csv # be more verbose # report users who's Maildir's are over 100MB # report users who have more than 2000 messages in their new/ or cur/ directory # :set tabstop=3 makes me pretty # take a look at # NOTE: THERE ARE FUNNY CHARACTERS BELOW: COPY-AND-PASTE PROLLY WONT WORK (think wget) # this script could take quite some time -- use verbose for [some] reassurance # the more over quota mailboxes you have, the more memory this script will use use Getopt::Std; use Sys::Hostname; use Date::Manip; my $gzip = '/usr/local/bin/gzip'; my $uuencode = '/usr/bin/uuencode'; my $du = '/usr/bin/du -s -k'; # look in subdirs, and output in KBytes my $sendmail = '/usr/lib/sendmail'; getopts('f:ve:q:n:d:'); die "cannot execute $du for disk usage (path/argument problem?)\n" if(`$du /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null`); if(defined($opt_e)){ if($opt_e !~ /^([a-z0-9_\.\+\-\?\^])+\@(([a-z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-z0-9]{2,4})+$/i){ die "you specified -e, but $opt_e doesnt look like an email address\n"; } die "cannot execute $gzip for compression\n" unless(-x $gzip); die "cannot execute $uuencode for encoding\n" unless(-x $uuencode); die "cannot execute $sendmail for sending mail\n" unless(-x $sendmail); } if(defined($opt_f)){ open(N,">$opt_f") || die "cannot write to $opt_f: $!\n"; } if(defined($opt_q) && ($opt_q < 1024)){ die "you specified -q, but $opt_q isnt even 1 KB... (this value should be bytes - (1048576 = 1MB)) \n"; } if(defined($opt_m)){ # we only prefer dig because it has built-in timeouts for when an # authoritative server doesnt talk back to us if(-x "/usr/local/bin/dig"){ $lookup="/usr/local/bin/dig mx"; }elsif(-x "/usr/local/bin/dnsmx"){ $lookup="/usr/local/bin/dnsmx"; }else{ die "i cant find either dnsmx (from djbdns) or dig (from bind).\n"; } } if($opt_v){ $| = 1; #flush @chars = ( "|", "/", "-", "\\" ); } print "building domains list...\n" if($opt_v); open(A, "/var/qmail/users/assign") || die "cannot open assign file: $!\n"; while(){ if(/^\+.+-:([^:]+):\d+:\d+:([^:]+):-::/){ if((-f "$2/vpasswd") && (! -l $2)){ $paths{$1} = $2; } } } close A; while(my($domain,$dir) = each %paths){ print "working on $domain [ " if($opt_v); open(V, "$dir/vpasswd") || warn "cannot open $dir/vpasswd: $!\n"; # prolly permission prob while( ){ if($opt_v){ if($i >= 3){ $i = 0; }else{ $i++; } print "" . $chars[$i] . "]"; # will stutter because its not inside du } if(/^([^:]+):[^:]+:\d+:\d+:[^:]*:([^:]+):([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/){ my $mailbox = $1; my $maildir = $2; my $quota = $3; my $quotakbytes = ($opt_q) ? ($opt_q/1024) : undef; my $quotanum = ($opt_n) ? $opt_n : undef; unless(defined($quotakbytes)){ if($quota eq 'NOQUOTA'){ print STDERR "WARNING: $mailbox\@$domain has no quota!!\n"; next unless(defined($opt_n)); }elsif($quota =~ /(\d+)S?/){ # dont want C my $quotabytes = $1; if($quotabytes < 1024){ print STDERR "ERROR: $mailbox\@$domain has an unusable quota (less than 1KB) ($quota)\n"; next; }else{ $quotakbytes = ($1/1024); } }else{ print STDERR "ERROR: $mailbox\@$domain has a quota that I dont comprehend(1) ($quota)\n"; next; } } unless(defined($quotanum)){ if($quota eq 'NOQUOTA'){ print STDERR "WARNING: $mailbox\@$domain has no quota!!\n"; next unless(defined($quotakbytes)); }elsif($quota =~ /(\d+)C/){ # number of files $quotanum = $1; }else{ print STDERR "ERROR: $mailbox\@$domain has a quota that I dont comprehend(2) ($quota) (perhaps you should specify -n N)\n"; next; } } my ($usedkbytes) = split /\s+/, `$du $maildir`; my $total=0; foreach my $stat ('new','cur'){ my $num=0; if(opendir(D, "$maildir/Maildir/$stat")){ foreach(grep {!/^\./} readdir D){ $num++; } closedir D; $$stat{"$mailbox\@$domain"} = $num; $total += $num; }else{ warn "couldnt open $maildir/Maildir/$stat: $!\n"; } } if(($usedkbytes > $quotakbytes) || ($total > $quotanum)){ $abusers{"$mailbox\@$domain"} = "${usedkbytes}/${quotakbytes}/${quotanum}"; my $secondsago = ($^T - (stat("$maildir/lastauth"))[9]); my $parseddate = ParseDate("$secondsago seconds ago"); $parseddate =~ s/(\d{2}:\d{2}\:\d{2})$/ $1/g; # no y10k bug ;) $lastauth{"$mailbox\@$domain"} = $parseddate; }else{ undef $new{$email}; undef $cur{$email}; } } } close V; print "\n" if($opt_v); } while(my ($email,$quotainfo) = each %abusers){ my ($usedkb,$quotakb,$msgsquota) = split (/\//, $quotainfo); my $usedbytes = ($usedkb * 1024); if($usedkb >= 1048576){ $storage = sprintf("%.2f",($usedkb/1048576)) . " GB"; }elsif($usedkb >= 1024){ $storage = sprintf("%.2f",($usedkb/1024)) . " MB"; }else{ $storage = $usedkb . " KB"; } if($quotakb >= 1048576){ $quota = sprintf("%.2f",($quotakb/1048576)) . " GB"; }elsif($quotakb >= 1024){ $quota = sprintf("%.2f",($quotakb/1024)) . " MB"; }else{ $quota = $quotakb . " KB"; } # find out if the abusive domain has MX to us (non-abusers dont get MX checked) if(defined($opt_m)){ my $sawourmx = undef; ($nul,$domain) = split(/\@/, $email); unless(exists($notourmx{$domain})){ foreach(`$lookup $domain`){ if(/$opt_m/i){ $sawourmx=1; last; } } unless(defined($sawourmx)){ $notourmx{$domain} = 1; # mx lookups are more expensive than memory } } } if($opt_e || $opt_f){ my $string = "$email,$usedbytes,$storage,$quota,$new{$email},$cur{$email},$msgsquota,$lastauth{$email}"; if(defined($opt_m) && (exists($notourmx{$domain}))){ $string .= ",*NotOurMX*"; } push @array, "$string\n"; }else{ print "$email is using $storage/$quota (last auth: $lastauth{$email} - $new{$email} unread, $cur{$email} read)"; if(defined($opt_m) && (exists($notourmx{$domain}))){ print " *NotOurMX*"; } print "\n"; } } if($opt_e){ open(T, ">/tmp/mailquotas.$$.csv") || die "cannot open /tmp/mailquotas.$$.csv: $!\n"; print T "email address,used bytes,maildir size,size quota,unread msgs,read msgs,msgs quota,last auth"; if(defined($opt_m)){ print T ",MX Status"; } print T "\n"; foreach(@array){ print T; } close T; # may clear memory as long as we're not saving to a file via $opt_f @array = undef unless(defined($opt_f)); system("$gzip -9 /tmp/mailquotas.$$.csv"); $boundary="___JK.RIAA_SUCKS&FUCK_VERISIGN.JK___"; $hostname=hostname(); if(open(S, "| $sendmail -t")){ print S "From: $hostname MailServer \n", "To: SysOp <$opt_e>\n", "Subject: Mail Quotas on $hostname\n", "Mime-Version: 1.0\n", "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n", "\tboundary=\"$boundary\"\n", "\n", "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n", "\n", "--$boundary\n", "Content-Type: text/plain;\n", "\tcharset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n", "\n", "Enclosed is mailquotas.csv.gz - open and extract attachment to view utilizations in Excel.\n", "\n", "--$boundary\n", "Content-Type: application/x-gzip;\n", "\tname=\"mailquotas.csv.gz\"\n", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode\n", "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n", "\tfilename=\"mailquotas.csv.gz\"\n", "\n"; open(C,"$uuencode /tmp/mailquotas.$$.csv.gz mailquotas.csv.gz |") || die "cannot fork uuencode: $!\n"; while( ){ print S; } print S "\n", "--$boundary--\n"; close S; unlink("/tmp/mailquotas.$$.csv.gz") || warn "couldnt delete /tmp/mailquotas.$$.csv.gz: $!\n"; }else{ warn "cannot fork sendmail: $!\n"; } } if($opt_f){ print N "email address,used bytes,maildir size,size quota,unread msgs,read msgs,msgs quota,last auth"; if(defined($opt_m)){ print N ",MX Status"; } print N "\n"; foreach(@array){ print N; } close N; }