2009-12-09 11:43:30
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # simple authentication when you have no db # script assumes it is in # script assumes .htpasswd is located in ../../data/ use CGI qw(:standard -nosticky); use strict; use CGI::Cookie; my $q = CGI->new(); my %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie; if( ($cookies{'sess_id'} =~ /sess_id=([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]{64})\;/) && (my $sess_id = $1) ){ # make sure sess_id is valid open(P, '../../data/.htpasswd') || die "cannot open htpasswd: $!\n"; while(){ chop; if(/:${sess_id}$/){ # valid: they are authenticated # for good security, make sure you check sess_id is valid on every page print $q->header(), $q->start_html(), "you are authenticated here.. refresh or do whatever you want\n"; last; } } close P; }else{ my @auth; if((my $username=$q->param('username')) && (my $qassword=$q->param('password'))){ # check un/pw my $crypt; open(P, '../../data/.htpasswd') || die "cannot open htpasswd (1): $!\n"; while(
){ chop; push @auth, $_; # save because we will prolly modify this lower if(/^${username}:([^:]+)/){ $crypt = $1; } } if(($crypt eq crypt($qassword, $crypt)) && defined($crypt) && defined($qassword)){ # give cookie; my($buf,$random,$x); if(open(D, '/dev/urandom')){ my @set = ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '.'); foreach(1..64){ sysread( D, $buf, 1 ); my $v = ord($buf); $x ^= ($v & ~63) >> (rand(7)+1); $random .= $set[ ($x ^ ord($buf)) & 63 ]; } close D; }else{ $random = sprintf "%08X%08X%08X%08X", rand(0xFFFFFFFF), $$, rand(0xFFFFFFFF), time(); } my $cookiesid = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'sess_id',-value=>"$random"); open(P, '>../../data/.htpasswd') || die "cannot write to htpasswd: $!\n"; foreach(@auth){ if(/^${username}:/){ print P "${username}:${crypt}:${random}\n"; }else{ print P "$_\n"; } } close P; print $q->header(-cookie=>[$cookiesid]), '
', "\n", '', "\n", ' '; }else{ print $q->header, $q->start_html, "bad username/password\n"; } }else{ print $q->header(), $q->start_html(), $q->start_form(), 'Username:
', "\n", 'Password:
', "
\n", $q->submit('Log In'), $q->end_form(); } } print $q->end_html();