2009-12-09 11:39:51
#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use CGI qw(-nosticky :standard); use CGI::Carp ('fatalsToBrowser'); use CGI::Cookie; use Mail::vpopmail; use Mail::VRFY; use DBI; my $dbun = 'db_username'; my $dbpw = 'db_password'; my $dsn = 'DBI:Sybase:server=sql.example.net;database=esec'; my @admins = qw/postmaster@example.net otherguy@example.net/; my $q = new CGI(); my $me = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; my $esecurl = 'http://' . $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} . '/cgi-bin/eseccgi.pl'; my $url = 'http://' . $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} . $me; my %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie; if( ($cookies{'sess_id'} =~ /sess_id=(.+)\;/) && (my $sess_id = $1) ){ my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbun, $dbpw,{PrintError => 1}); my $sql = 'SELECT emailid,email FROM accounts WHERE session_id = ' . $dbh->quote($sess_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; my $row=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref; if((my $emailid = $row->[0]) && (my $email = $row->[1])){ print $q->header(), "\n", "ESec Admin Console \n", '', "\n", "\n"; my $vchkpw = Mail::vpopmail->new(cache => 0, debug => 0); my $dir = $vchkpw->get(email => $email, field => 'dir'); if((my $newaddr = $q->param('newaddr')) && (my $method=$q->param('method'))){ my $newpass = $q->param('newpass'); my $newname = $q->param('newname'); if($newaddr =~ /[A-Z]/){ print "lower-case, please\n"; exit; } if($method eq 'esec'){ die "invalid password\n" unless($newpass); die "invalid Real Name\n" unless($newname); } my $domain = (split(/\@/, $email))[1]; my $fulladdr = $newaddr . '@' . $domain; my $res = Mail::VRFY::CheckAddress(addr => $fulladdr, method => 'syntax', debug => 0); if($res){ print "$fulladdr is not a good enough looking email address."; exit; } if(open(FILE, ">$dir/.qmail-$newaddr")){ if($method eq 'esec'){ print FILE "| /usr/local/script/esec.pl $fulladdr\n"; }else{ print FILE "&${newaddr}\@mail.$domain\n"; } close FILE; chmod(0600, "$dir/.qmail-$newaddr") || die "couldnt chmod $dir/.qmail-$newaddr: $!\n"; }else{ die "could not write to $dir/.qmail-$newaddr: $!\n"; } if($method eq 'esec'){ system('/home/vpopmail/bin/vadduser', $fulladdr, $newpass); srand(time() ^($$ + ($$ << 15))); my @a = grep {/[a-zA-Z0-9]/} map {chr($_)} (0..256); my $salt = $a[ rand( @a ) ] . $a[ rand(@a) ]; my $crypt = crypt($newpass, $salt); my $sql = 'INSERT INTO accounts (email,crypt,name) VALUES ('; $sql .= $dbh->quote($fulladdr) . ',' . $dbh->quote($crypt) . ',' . $dbh->quote($newname) . ')'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; } print ''; exit; }elsif((my $addr=$q->param('addr')) && ($q->param('delete') || $q->param('convert'))){ if($addr =~ /[A-Z]/){ print "lower-case, please\n"; exit; } my $domain = (split(/\@/, $email))[1]; my $fulladdr = $addr . '@' . $domain; foreach my $admin (@admins){ if($admin eq $fulladdr){ print "will not delete administrative user\n"; exit; } } open(FILE, "$dir/.qmail-$addr") || die "couldnt open $dir/.qmail-$addr: $!\n"; chop(my $line =); close FILE; my $method = ($line =~ /esec.pl/) ? 'esec' : 'plain'; if($q->param('delete')){ if(unlink("$dir/.qmail-$addr")){ if($method eq 'esec'){ system('/home/vpopmail/bin/vdeluser', $fulladdr); my $sql = 'SELECT emailid FROM accounts WHERE email = ' . $dbh->quote($fulladdr); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref){ # just in case if(my $emailid = $row->[0]){ foreach my $table ('accounts','messages','challenges','email_whitelists','email_blacklists','header_whitelists','header_blacklists'){ my $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE emailid = " . $dbh->quote($emailid); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; } } } } print ''; exit; }else{ print "could not delete $dir/.qmail-$addr: $!\n"; } }elsif($q->param('convert')){ # convert if($method eq 'esec'){ if(open(FILE, ">${dir}/.qmail-${addr}")){ print FILE "&${addr}\@mail.${domain}\n"; close FILE; my $sql = 'SELECT emailid FROM accounts WHERE email = ' . $dbh->quote($fulladdr); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref){ # just in case if(my $emailid = $row->[0]){ foreach my $table ('accounts','messages','challenges','email_whitelists','email_blacklists','header_whitelists','header_blacklists'){ my $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE emailid = " . $dbh->quote($emailid); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; } } } print ''; }else{ print "cannot write to $dir/.qmail-$addr: $!\n"; exit; } }elsif($method eq 'plain'){ # make into an esec account my ($first,$last) = $addr =~ /^(.)(.+)/; my $newname = "$first $last"; my $randpass = getrand(8); $url .= "?newaddr=${addr}&method=esec&newpass=${randpass}&newname=${newname}"; open(MAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t"); print MAIL "To: ${fulladdr}\n", "Subject: Email Secretary account\n", "\n", "Your Email Secretary account has been initialized.\n", "You may log in at the following URL:\n", "${esecurl}\n", "Username: $fulladdr\n", "Password: $randpass\n"; close MAIL; print ''; }else{ die "method error: $method\n"; } }else{ die "confuzzled"; } }else{ if(opendir(DIR, $dir)){ print ' ', "\n"; foreach my $file (sort grep {/^.qmail-/} readdir DIR){ my ($addr) = $file =~ /.qmail-(.+)/; next if ($addr eq 'default'); if(open(FILE, "$dir/$file")){ chop(my $line =
\n", $q->start_form('post',$me), "Add user: ", '', "); close FILE; my $method = ($line =~ /esec.pl/) ? 'esec' : 'plain'; print $q->start_form('post',$me), " \n", $q->end_form(); }else{ die "could not open $dir/$file: $!\n"; } } closedir DIR; print " $addr \n", $q->hidden('addr',$addr), "\n", $q->submit('delete'), " \n", '', $q->submit('convert'), " \n", "${method}
\n", "Password: ", '', "
\n", "Real Name: ", '', "
\n", $q->radio_group(-name=>'method',-values=>['esec','plain'],-default=>'plain'), "
\n", $q->submit('Submit'), $q->end_form(); }else{ warn "could not open $dir: $!\n"; } } print $q->end_html(); }elsif((my $email=$q->param('email')) && (my $password=$q->param('password'))){ # authenticate - user wants to manage thier stuff unless(grep {/^$email$/} @admins){ print $q->header(), $q->start_html('Email Secretary'), "Authentication error(0).
\n", 'Click here to try again.
', $q->end_html(); exit; } my $sql = 'SELECT crypt FROM accounts WHERE email = ' . $dbh->quote($email); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; my $row=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref; my $crypt=$row->[0]; if( ($crypt eq crypt($password, $crypt)) && defined($crypt) && defined($password) ){ #authentcated -- save session_id and redirect back my $sql = 'UPDATE accounts SET session_id = ' . $dbh->quote($sess_id); $sql .= ' WHERE email = ' . $dbh->quote($email); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute || die "cannot set session id to $sess_id for email $email: $!\n"; print $q->header(), 'Redirecting.. '; }else{ print $q->header(), $q->start_html('Email Secretary'), "Authentication error.
\n", 'Click here to try again.
', $q->end_html(); } }else{ my $cookiesid = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'sess_id',-value=>''); print $q->header(-cookie=>[$cookiesid]), 'Redirecting..'; exit; } $dbh->disconnect(); }else{ my $random = getrand(64); # 512bit my $cookiesid = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'sess_id',-value=>$random); print $q->header(-cookie=>[$cookiesid]), $q->start_html('Email Secretary'), $q->start_form('post',$me), "\n", '
', "\n", ' Email Address: ', " Password:
\n", $q->submit('Login'), $q->end_form(), $q->end_html(); } sub getrand { my $len = shift || 32; my($buf,$x,$random); open(D, '/dev/urandom') || die "cannot open urandom: $!\n"; my @set = ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '.'); foreach(1..$len){ sysread( D, $buf, 1 ); my $v = ord($buf); $x ^= ($v & ~63) >> (rand(7)+1); $random .= $set[ ($x ^ ord($buf)) & 63 ]; } close D; return($random); }