Performance on Red Hat 8/9/Fedora Core 1 is terrible, compared to other OSes.
Are you using the default $LANG setting? Do this:
echo $LANG
If it contains "utf8", then that's probably the problem. Change it so it does not contain "utf8" (see RedHatMalformedUtf8), and the performance issues will clear up.
Perl 5.8 uses Unicode character sets internally in this situation, and unfortunately, this greatly hurts performance of all Perl code which operates heavily on strings (like SpamAssassin).
I get 'Malformed UTF-8 character' errors on Red Hat 8, or using perl 5.8.0, with SA 2.43.
Perl 5.8 introduces a policy change to using UTF-8 character sets by default, which broke a massive amount of existing perl code, including SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin 2.50 will contain a fix, but in the meantime, add this line to the script which starts spamd, or runs the spamassassin script:
LANG=en_US; export LANG
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