在FC4工作站版下安装ns-allinone-2.29成功后,运行#ns simple.tcl
ns: finish: couldn't execute "nam": such file or directory
我看了一下,确实没有nam,上ns网站上的install problem页面找了半天,
problem: Ok, but I still can't run simple.tcl under the ~ns/tcl/ex directory, it gives an error saying:
couldnt execute nam:
no such file or directory while executing "exec nam out.nam &".
(Also, when I try typing the comamnd "ns simple.tcl", and I get the error "ns: command not found".)
Solution: Well, you need to add nam' directory to the environment
variable PATH or specify its location in the tcl script. (PATH is part
of Unix, so if you're not sure how it works, please consult a local
Unix expert or search the web on "unix PATH".)
Problem: When installing ns-allinone-2.28 using gcc3.4, nam fails to build.
Solution:Try replacing the "NULL" in line 73 of file agent.h in nam-1.11 with "0". Bug reported and fix supplied by Qihe Wang.
./configure && make && make
install,默认是装在/usr/local目录下,其实make install
运行simple.tcl,nam的问题不存在了,但是又出现了新的问题,cannot open display
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