// Outputting fileselect form (step 0)
if ( $_POST['step'] == 0 )
echo <<
// Processing excel file (step 1)
if ( $_POST['step'] == 1 ) {
echo "
// Uploading file
$excel_file = $_FILES['excel_file'];
if( $excel_file )
$excel_file = $_FILES['excel_file']['tmp_name'];
if( $excel_file == '' ) fatal("No file uploaded");
move_uploaded_file( $excel_file, 'upload/' . $_FILES['excel_file']['name']);
$excel_file = 'upload/' . $_FILES['excel_file']['name'];
$fh = @fopen ($excel_file,'rb');
if( !$fh ) fatal("No file uploaded");
if( filesize($excel_file)==0 ) fatal("No file uploaded");
$fc = fread( $fh, filesize($excel_file) );
if( strlen($fc) < filesize($excel_file) )
fatal("Cannot read file");
$_SESSION['excel'] = $excel_file;
// Check excel file
$exc = new ExcelFileParser;
$res = $exc->ParseFromString($fc);
switch ($res) {
case 0: break;
case 1: fatal("Can't open file");
case 2: fatal("File too small to be an Excel file");
case 3: fatal("Error reading file header");
case 4: fatal("Error reading file");
case 5: fatal("This is not an Excel file or file stored in Excel < 5.0");
case 6: fatal("File corrupted");
case 7: fatal("No Excel data found in file");
case 8: fatal("Unsupported file version");
fatal("Unknown error");
// Processing worksheets
$ws_number = count($exc->worksheet['name']);
if( $ws_number < 1 ) fatal("No worksheets in Excel file.");
$ws_number = 1; // Setting to process only the first worksheet
for ($ws_n = 0; $ws_n < $ws_number; $ws_n++) {
$ws = $exc -> worksheet['data'][$ws_n]; // Get worksheet data
if ( !$exc->worksheet['unicode'][$ws_n] )
$db_table = $ws_name = $exc -> worksheet['name'][$ws_n];
else {
$ws_name = uc2html( $exc -> worksheet['name'][$ws_n] );
$db_table = convertUnicodeString ( $exc -> worksheet['name'][$ws_n] );
echo "
Worksheet: $ws_name
$max_row = $ws['max_row'];
$max_col = $ws['max_col'];
if ( $max_row > 0 && $max_col > 0 )
getTableData ( $ws, $exc ); // Get structure and data of worksheet
else fatal("Empty worksheet");
if ( $_POST['step'] == 2 ) { // Adding data into mysql (step 2)
echo "
//$excel_file = 'upload/' . $_FILES['excel_file']['name'];
//extract ($_POST);
$db_table = ereg_replace ( "[^a-zA-Z0-9$]", "", $db_table );
$db_table = ereg_replace ( "^[0-9]+", "", $db_table );
if ( empty ( $db_table ) )
$db_table = "Table1";
// Database connect check
if ( !$link = @mysql_connect ($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) )
fatal("Database connection error. Please check connection settings.");
if ( !$connect = mysql_select_db ($db_name ) )
fatal("Wrong database name.");
if ( empty ($db_table) )
fatal("Empty table name.");
if ( !isset ($fieldcheck) )
fatal("No fields selected.");
if ( !is_array ($fieldcheck) )
fatal("No fields selected.");
$tbl_SQL .= "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $db_table ( ";
foreach ($fieldcheck as $fc)
if ( empty ( $fieldname[$fc] ) )
fatal("Empty fieldname for selected field $fc.");
else {
// Prepare table structure
$fieldname[$fc] = ereg_replace ( "[^a-zA-Z0-9$]", "", $fieldname[$fc] );
$fieldname[$fc] = ereg_replace ( "^[0-9]+", "", $fieldname[$fc] );
if ( empty ( $fieldname[$fc] ) )
$fieldname[$fc] = "field" . $fc;
$tbl_SQL .= $fieldname[$fc] . " text NOT NULL,";
$tbl_SQL = rtrim($tbl_SQL, ',');
$tbl_SQL .= ") TYPE=MyISAM";*/
$excel_file = $_SESSION['excel'];
$fh = @fopen ($excel_file,'rb');
if( !$fh ) fatal("No file uploaded");
if( filesize($excel_file)==0 ) fatal("No file uploaded");
$fc = fread( $fh, filesize($excel_file) );
if( strlen($fc) < filesize($excel_file) )
fatal("Cannot read file");
$exc = new ExcelFileParser;
$res = $exc->ParseFromString($fc);
switch ($res) {
case 0: break;
case 1: fatal("Can't open file");
case 2: fatal("File too small to be an Excel file");
case 3: fatal("Error reading file header");
case 4: fatal("Error reading file");
case 5: fatal("This is not an Excel file or file stored in Excel < 5.0");
case 6: fatal("File corrupted");
case 7: fatal("No Excel data found in file");
case 8: fatal("Unsupported file version");
fatal("Unknown error");
$data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader();
//echo $excel_file;
// Pricessing worksheets
@ $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'wwwshef_reynold', 'reynold') or die("Could not connect to database.");
mysql_query("set names 'latin1'");
$tablename = "products, product_categories, product_colours, product_sizeweight";
$field = "p_var8, productsw_code, productcr_code, p_var1, productcr_size, productsw_desc, productsw_size, p_var3, productsw_price, productcr_price, products.img_ref";
//$condition = "product_id='$pre[1]' AND productcr_id='$pre[2]' AND productsw_id='$pre[3]' products.p_cat1='1' AND products.product_id=product_categories.cat_id AND products.product_id=productcr_ref AND products.product_id=productsw_ref";
for ($i = 2; $i <= $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= $data->sheets[0]['numCols']; $j++) {
echo "\"".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][$j]."\",";
echo "\n";
*/ //echo $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][2];
$pre = explode('-',$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1]);
$condition = "product_id='$pre[1]' AND productcr_id='$pre[2]' AND productsw_id='$pre[3]' AND productcr_ref='$pre[1]' AND productsw_ref='$pre[1]' AND products.p_cat1='1' AND products.product_id=product_categories.cat_id AND products.product_id=productcr_ref AND products.product_id=productsw_ref";
$sql = "UPDATE $tablename SET
`p_var8` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][2] ."',
`productsw_code` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][3] ."',
`productcr_code` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][4] ."',
`p_var1` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][5] ."',
`productcr_size` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][6] ."',
`productsw_desc` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][7] ."',
`productsw_size` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][8] ."',
`p_var3` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][9] ."',
`productsw_price` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][10] ."',
`productcr_price` = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][11] ."',
products.img_ref = '".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][12] ."'
WHERE $condition";
//echo $sql.'
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die("Have problem on Updating ,Please limit the line of excel file");
$nmb += mysql_affected_rows();
if ( isset($nmb) ) {
echo <<
Output operations processed successfully. $nmb rows Updated into table "$tablename"
else echo "
@unlink ($excel_file);
echo <<
$ws_number = count($exc->worksheet['name']);
if( $ws_number < 1 ) fatal("No worksheets in Excel file.");
$ws_number = 1; // Setting to process only the first worksheet
for ($ws_n = 0; $ws_n < $ws_number; $ws_n++) {
$ws = $exc -> worksheet['data'][$ws_n]; // Get worksheet data
$max_row = $ws['max_row'];
$max_col = $ws['max_col'];
if ( $max_row > 0 && $max_col > 0 )
$SQL = prepareTableData ( $exc, $ws, $fieldcheck, $fieldname );
else fatal("Empty worksheet");
if (empty ( $SQL ))
fatal("Output table error");
// Output data into database
// Drop table
if ( isset($db_drop) ) {
$drop_tbl_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $db_table";
if ( !mysql_query ($drop_tbl_SQL) )
fatal ("Drop table error");
// Create table
if ( !mysql_query ($tbl_SQL) )
fatal ("Create table error");
$sql_pref = "INSERT INTO " . $db_table . " SET ";
$err = "";
$nmb = 0; // Number of inserted rows
foreach ( $SQL as $sql ) {
$sql = $sql_pref . $sql;
if ( !mysql_query ($sql) ) {
$err .= "
SQL error in :
else $nmb++;
if ( empty ($err) ) {
echo <<
Output operations processed successfully. $nmb rows inserted into table "$db_table"
else echo "
@unlink ($excel_file);
echo <<
} */
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inventory.rar |
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91KB |
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