2007-12-12 13:35:06
在maillist中看到Rasmus的一段对于 APC模块的发言。作为APC的作者,他的见解应该是很有参考价值的。
APC will probably be 20-30% faster, but if you are writing to it frequently it can cause problems. The APC cache is best for things that change very rarely. And by very rarely I mean days, not hours or minutes.
Because of the way APC does an anonymous file-backed mmap where I unlink the file at startup to get process-death protection, it isn’t easy to get at the cache from a separate standalone command line script. That can be solved by mmap’ing slightly differently, but in the default config your approach won’t work.
Alternative PHP Cache (APC)是一种对PHP有效的开放源高速缓冲储存器工具,它能够缓存opcode的php中间码。