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2008-08-28 19:17:03

____今天在客户那遇到一个典型问题,有两台机器也是/分区占用的比较多,最后定位在/var/spool/clientmqueue这个目录。这个目录里面有223w个小文件。我已经猜到这个问题了,因为上一次我拿24小时的时候,也是接到一个电话,发现/var/spool/postfix/maildrop/下面有很多小文件,正好接这个电话的时候,jiangeng在旁边,他说上周他接过一个一模一样的问题,停掉postfix和sendmail然后清空/var/spool/postfix/maildrop/这个目录即可。我当时也是让他清空完事。但是那件事过去之后,我就没再想是什么原因,但是隐约知道跟邮件有关,应该是临时邮件。今天遇到的这个问题,和上一次累死,但是稍微不同,可能是一个系统默认邮件服务是postfix一个是sendmail。我首先想清除这些小文件,但是使用rm  -rf  *的时候,直接就给断掉shell了。我重新登上去,ls的时候,就花了好几分钟。看来是因为底下文件太多了,想用通配符的方式删除看来是不行了。采用最笨的方法,将文件名输出到一个文件里面,然后用脚本一个一个删除。很慢啊。
____在网上搜了一下,发现原来是crontab中一个参数MAILTO=“”可以限定这个。看crontab的man5说明,如果cron有什么原因需要将命令结果发一封邮件,那么就要看MAILTO这部分了,如果给MAILTO赋值了,并且不是空,那么就会发给这个用户;如果是空,MAILTO="",那就不发任何邮件。如果没有定义MAILTO,也就是说crontab里面没有写这一行,那么就发给这个crontab的主人。 这就是为什么crond老往外发信的原因了。但是为什么出现这些小文件呢?问mlsx之后,mlsx说这是邮件堵塞,postfix默认情况下是无法发邮件的,那么堵塞很正常,但是sendmail为什么堵塞不知道。当然象我这样,给/var/spool/mail/root加了个不可更改属性是不会出现的。

cpragman                            05-22-2005, 12:33 AM
I've found tons of undelivered cron messages in my /var/spool/clientmqueue folder (from Jaguar), and now panther seems to be stuffing them into /Var/spool/postfix/maildrop.

I cleaned 17GB out of /var/spool/clientmqueue last night. This has got to stop.

I know I can enable sendmail and configure forwarding for root to pass these along to a regular mail account, but I'
d rather not bother.

I'd like to make cron stop mailing these notices. I see that I can edit my crontab file to add the variable "MAILTO=" and it will stop.

This seemed to work for ROOT, but when I try to edit my own user crontab file (crontab -e), I get an error message that makes no sense.

"/tmp/crontab.FRHPisVp3G":1: bad minute
crontab: errors in crontab file, can'
t install

I don't get it. I can change this file in all kinds of ways without error, but as soon as I add the "MAILTO=" line, it throws this error.

Any ideas what I'
m doing wrong?

voldenuit                   05-22-2005, 03:35 PM
How about redirecting stderr and stdout to /dev/null ?

That's how I do it, I didn't even know about the trick you try to use.

ajp                05-22-2005, 04:45 PM
why have the mailto variable set at all. remove or comment it out and see what happens.

cpragman         05-22-2005, 07:04 PM

There is no "MAILTO=" parameter set by default in the system's crontab file, you have to add it manually. According to "man 5 crontab", cron automatically generates a mail message to the user spawning the job. That means that on my system, I can count on a couple of root jobs a day, plus numerous user jobs per day. Adds up quickly.

If the MAILTO= parameter is provided with a username , the mail goes to that user. If the "MAILTO=" is provided with no user name, then no mail is generated (i.e., black hole).

The REAL problem I'
m having is that the system's crontab (i.e., /etc/crontab) accepts the "MAILTO=" variable, yet for some reason my user's crontab filed (edited with "crontab -e") refuse to accept any file I provide that has "MAILTO=" in it.

cpragman    05-23-2005, 07:15 AM
I solved this one last night.

The correct syntax to add to the crontab file is as follows:


My problem was that I left out the empty quotes. Once I fixed that, no new messages were added to /var/spool/postfix/maildrop.

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