ADD Add [Rd] Op1 + Op2
ADC Add with carry [Rd] Op1 + Op2 + C
SUB Subtract [Rd] Op1 - Op2
SBC Subtract with carry [Rd] Op1 - Op2 + C – 1
RSB Reverse subtract [Rd] Op2 - Op1
RSC Reverse subtract with carry [Rd] Op2 - Op1 + C – 1
MUL Multiply [Rd] Op1 x Op2
MLA Multiply and accumulate [Rd] Rm x Rs + Rn
AND Logical AND [Rd] Op1 Op2
ORR Logical OR [Rd] Op1 Op2
EOR Exclusive OR [Rd] Op1 Op2
BIC Logical AND NOT [Rd] Op1 NOT Op2
CMP Compare
;Set condition codes on Op1 - Op2
CMN Compare negated
;Set condition codes on Op1 + Op2
TS Test
;Set condition codes on Op1 Op2
TEQ Test equivalence
;Set condition codes on Op1 Op2
MOV Move [Rd] Op2
MVN Move negated [Rd] NOT Op2
LDR Load register [Rd] [M(ea)]
STR Store register [M(ea)] [Rd]
LDM Load registers multiple
;Load a block of registers from memory
STM Store registers multiple
;Store a block of registers in memory
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