2009-06-21 11:37:46
1. 进程 线程
Operating system organization
传统的UNIX支持现成概念--每一个进程包含一个单线程,所以用多进程就 是使用多线程。但是一个进程还有一个地址空间,创建一个新进程意味着需要 创建一个新的地址空间。
因此,创建一个进程是昂贵的,而在一个已经存在的进程内部创建线程是 廉价的。创建一个线程的时间比创建一个进程的时间要少成千倍,部分是因为 在线程间切换不涉及地址空间的切换。
多线程编程的历史可以回溯到二十世纪60年代。在UNIX操作系统中的发展是从 80年代中期开始的。也许是令人吃惊的,关于支持多线程有很好的协议,但是今 天我们仍然可以看到不同的多线程开发包,他们拥有不同的接口。
In UNIX, developers implement threads by using the POSIX pthread functions. In Win32, developers can implement UNIX threading by using the Win32 API thread management functions. The functionality and operation of threads in UNIX and Win32 is very similar; however, the function calls and syntax are very different.
Msdn 《UNIX Code Migration Guide》
2. 共享内存
Shared memory permits two or more threads or processes to share a region of
memory. It is generally considered the most performant method of IPC because
data is not copied as part of the communication process. Instead, the same physical
area of memory is accessed by both the client and the server.
Windows does not support the standard System V interprocess communications
mechanisms for shared memory (the shm*() APIs). It does, however, support
memory-mapped files and memory-mapped page files, which you can use as
an alternative to the shm*() APIs.
“Appendix 9.1: Shared Memory” presents an example of how to port a simple UNIX
application based on System V IPC to Windows based on memory-mapped page files.
〈unix application migration guide〉p322
3. 进程调度
This section looks at how you can change the scheduling priority of a thread
in UNIX and Win32.
Ideally, you want to map Win32 priority classes to UNIX scheduling policies, and
Win32 thread priority levels to UNIX priority levels. Unfortunately, it isn’t this simple.
The priority level of a Win32 thread is determined by both the priority class of its
process and its priority level. The priority class and priority level are combined to
form the base priority of each thread.
Every thread in Windows has a base priority level determined by the thread’s
priority value and the priority class of its owning process. The operating system
uses the base priority level of all executable threads to determine which thread
gets the next slice of CPU time. Threads are scheduled in a round-robin fashion at
each priority level, and only when there are no executable threads at a higher level
will scheduling of threads at a lower level take place.
UNIX offers both round-robin and FIFO scheduling algorithms, whereas Windows
uses only round-robin. This does not mean that Windows is less flexible; it simply
means that any fine tuning that was performed on thread scheduling in UNIX has to
be implemented differently when using Windows.
Table 9.7 shows the base priority levels for combinations of priority class and priority
〈unix application migration guide〉p309-310