Undo segments purpose
.Transaction rollback
.Transaction recovery
.Read consistency
Automatic undo management
--undo_management [auto] <---initialization parameter
--undo_tablespace [undotbs]
--undo_retention [10800]
--undo_suppress_error [false]
Creating undo tablespace[假设原来undo为undotbs1,现新建为undotbs2]
create undo tablespace tablespace_name [datafile_clause] [extent_clause]
1.新建undo tablespace create undo tablespace undotbs2 datafile 'd:\oracle9i\oradata\undotbs2.dbf' size 5m extent management local;
2.设置参数 alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs2;
3.查看原来undotbs1中是否还有事务 select a.name,b.* from v$rollname a,v$rollstat b where a.usn=b.usn and a.name in (select segment_name from dba_rollback_segs where tablespace_name='UNDOTBS2')
4.删除undo表空间 drop tablespace untotbs1 including contents and datafiles; |
Resizing undo datafiles
alter database datafile 'D:\oracle9i\oradata\rhce\undo02.dbf' resize 4m;
alter database datafile 'D:\oracle9i\oradata\rhce\undo02.dbf' autoextend on next 512k maxsize 3m;
alter tablespace undo02 add datafile 'D:\oracle9i\oradata\rhce\undo22.dbf' size 1m |
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