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2008-02-27 23:37:15



Welcome to Absolute FreeBSD! This book is
a one-stop shop for system administrators
who want to build, configure, and manage
FreeBSD servers. It will also be useful for those folks
who want to run FreeBSD on their desktops, servers,
diskless system farms, and so on. By the time you finish
this book, you should be able to use FreeBSD to provide network services.
You should also understand how to manage, patch, and maintain your
FreeBSD systems and have a basic understanding of networking, system
security, and software management. We’ll discuss FreeBSD version 7, which
is the version recommended for production use at the time this book is
being released; however, most of this book applies to earlier and later
versions as well.

Contents of This Book

Absolute FreeBSD, 2nd Edition contains the following chapters.
Chapter 1: Getting More Help
This chapter discusses the information resources the FreeBSD Project
and its devotees provide for users. No one book can cover everything,
but knowing how to use the many FreeBSD resources on the Internet
helps fill any gaps you find here.
Chapter 2: Installing FreeBSD
This chapter gives you an overview of installing FreeBSD and offers
advice on an optimal install.
Chapter 3: Start Me Up! The Boot Process
This chapter teaches you about the FreeBSD boot process and how to
make your system start, stop, and reboot in different configurations.
Chapter 4: Read This Before You Break Something Else!
Here we discuss how to back up your data on both a system-wide and a
file-by-file level, and how to make your changes so that they can be easily
Chapter 5: Kernel Games
This chapter describes configuring the FreeBSD kernel. Unlike some
other operating systems, you are expected to tune FreeBSD’s kernel to
best suit your purposes. This gives you tremendous flexibility and lets you
optimize your hardware’s potential.
Chapter 6: The Network
Here we discuss the network and how it works in FreeBSD.
Chapter 7: Securing Your System
This chapter teaches you how to make your computer resist attackers
and intruders.
Chapter 8: Disks and Filesystems
This chapter covers some of the details of working with hard drives in
FreeBSD, support for other filesystems, and a few network filesystems.
Chapter 9: Advanced Security Features
Here we discuss some of the more interesting security features found in
Chapter 10: Exploring /etc
This chapter describes the many configuration files in FreeBSD and how
they operate.
Chapter 11: Making Your System Useful
Here I describe the ports and packages system that FreeBSD uses to
manage add-on software.
Chapter 12: Advanced Software Management
This chapter discusses some of the finer points of running software on
FreeBSD systems.
Chapter 13: Upgrading FreeBSD
This chapter teaches you how to use FreeBSD’s upgrade process. The
upgrade system is among the most remarkable and smooth of any operating
Chapter 14: The Internet Road Map: DNS
This chapter describes DNS and teaches you how to install and troubleshoot
Chapter 15: Small System Services
Here we discuss some of the small programs you’ll need to manage in
order to use FreeBSD properly.
Chapter 16: Spam, Worms, and Viruses (Plus Email, If You Insist)
This chapter describes how to set up an email system on FreeBSD to reliably
deliver mail and repel spam and viruses.
Chapter 17: Web and FTP Services
This chapter teaches you how to set up and secure these two vital
Internet services.
Chapter 18: Disk Tricks with GEOM
This chapter goes over some of the fancy techniques FreeBSD supports
for mirroring disks, exporting disk devices across the network, and generally
having a good old time protecting and manipulating your data.
Chapter 19: System Performance and Monitoring
This chapter covers some of FreeBSD’s performance-testing and troubleshooting
tools and shows you how to interpret the results. We also discuss
system logging and FreeBSD’s SNMP implementation.
Chapter 20: The Fringe of FreeBSD
This chapter teaches you some of the more interesting tricks you can do
with FreeBSD, such as running systems without disks and with tiny disks,
as well as some live failover and redundancy setups.
Chapter 21: System (and Sysadmin) Panics and Crashes
This chapter teaches you how to deal with those rare occasions when a
FreeBSD system fails, how to debug problems, and how to create a useful
problem report.
Appendix: Some Interesting sysctl MIBs
This appendix provides basic information about some of the kerneltuning
options available for your use.

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