在采用root用户,在oem_setup_env 环境下做bosboot -ad hdisk1时有如下报错:
# bosboot -ad hdisk1
trustchk: Verification of attributes failed: /usr/sbin/bootinfo
: accessauths
bosboot: Boot image is 51228 512 byte blocks.
经IBM 800确认,这是一个系统bug,解决方法如下:
- Test to confirm the error message:
- ---------------------------------------
- # trustchk -n /usr/sbin/bootinfo
- Commands to correct the entry:
- ---------------------------------------
- # trustchk -q /usr/sbin/bootinfo 1> /tmp/file1
- # OLDAUTH=` grep accessauths /tmp/file1 | cut -d '=' -f2 `
- # NEWAUTH="`echo $OLDAUTH`,vios.device.manage"
- # sed "s/accessauths = `echo $OLDAUTH`/accessauths = `echo \
- $NEWAUTH`/" /tmp/file1>/tmp/file2
- # trustchk -d /usr/sbin/bootinfo
- # trustchk -a -f /tmp/file2
- You may check circumvention works by running command below.
- Test to confirm the error is corrected:
- ---------------------------------------
- # trustchk -n /usr/sbin/bootinfo
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