下午在安装ECC5.0 DI时一切很顺利,可是装完后DI竟然起不来。R3Trans -d连接数据库竟然连接不上去。查看trans.log报如下错误:
> 0509-136 Symbol kaio_rdwr64 (number 0) is not exported from
> dependent module /unix.
> 0509-136 Symbol listio64 (number 1) is not exported from
> dependent module /unix.
> 0509-136 Symbol acancel64 (number 2) is not exported from
> dependent module /unix.
> 0509-136 Symbol iosuspend64 (number 3) is not exported from
> dependent module /unix.
> 0509-136 Symbol aio_nwait (number 4) is not exported from
> dependent module /unix.
冥思苦想半天未果,着急啊,明天还要顶月结啊。 Google还真是好东西。在找到了解决办法。
Yes and the problem is already solved. Kernel support for async i/o was =
set to defined, not to available. 这句话实在是太动听了。马上查看系统发现果然是async i/o was set to defined。不知是哪个家伙改了这个设置。
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