6.Which four statements are true about database instance behavior?
A) Redo log files can be renamed in mount state.
B) Datafiles can be renamed in mount state.
C) All dynamic performance views (v$ views) return data when queried from a session connected to an Instance in nomount state.
D) An spfile can be updated when connected to an idle instance.
E) The consistency of redo logs and data files is checked when mounting the database.
F) An idle instance is created when a startup nomount is successful.
(解析:答案 AB 是没有问题的,但是这道题的 an idle instance 指的是什么不明确,如果一个实例没有启动,那么我们连接的时候会告诉我们:Connected to an idle instance.,所以这里不清楚实例启动后是不是算是 idle instance,如果是,那么答案DF 就是对的。交流3组:1015267481)
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