1. 分析Trace
NANS - Network Analyzer for Network Simulator ns2
–By Java
NANS is the utility which brings all these features into one and from
now on wards, strives to eliminate all the problem associated with it.

TRACEGRAPH - Network Simulator NS-2 trace files analyzer
–By Matlab
Trace graph is a free network trace files analyzer developed for
network simulator ns-2 trace processing. Trace graph can support any
trace format if converted to its own or ns-2 trace format. Trace graph
runs under Windows, Linux, UNIX and MAC OS systems. Trace converter
processes traces over 80x faster and is available to buy.
–By Java & MySQL
Jtrana is a Java-based NS-2 wireless simulation trace analyzer. Its
input is an NS2 wireless trace, and its output is a graph or data-set
that can be plottedwith other tools such as Gnuplot.Any problem, plz
It’s from Weiwei’s Study ().
2. 场景制作辅助
–By Java
NS2 Scenarios Generator 2(NSG2) is a JAVA based ns2 scenarios
generator. Since NSG2 is written by JAVA language, you can run NSG on
any platform. NSG2 is capable of generating both wired and wireless TCL
scripts for ns2. This tool provides wireless node function. Below this
does not have.
NS WorkBench - Graphical User Interface For Network Simulator
–By Java
nsBench makes NS-2 simulation development and analysis faster and
easier for students and researchers without losing the flexibility or
expressiveness gained by writing a script.